The Heritage Corner  

(20162015  (2014)  (2013)  (2012)  (2011)  (2010)  (2009)  (2008)  (2007)  (2006)  (2005)

Pat Crowe of the Springhill Heritage Group writes a regular column in The Springhill Record called "The Heritage Corner".  Articles for the current year are listed below, by date.  For other years’ articles, use the links above.

2015 / 12 / 23 — Students Return To Their Studies

2015 / 12 / 16 — 93 Men Back to the Mines

2015 / 12 / 09 — Would Build a Racetrack

2015 / 12 / 02 — High School Students Provide for Orphan

2015 / 11 / 25 — Citizens Will Supply Comforts For Frigate

2015 / 11 / 18 — Find Body of Springhill Man

2015 / 11 / 11 — Veteran Serving With Seven Sons

2015 / 11/ 04 — Child Dies When Struck By Truck

2015 / 10 / 28 — H.M.C.S. “Springhill” To Be Launched Soon

2015 / 10 / 21 — Accident near Springhill Results in Girl’s Death

2015 / 10 / 14 — Rotary Club is Organized; E.B. Paul President

2015 / 10 / 07 — School Board Appointments

2015 / 09 / 30 — Springhill Boy is Reported Lost

2015 / 09 / 16 — Driver is Pinned Beneath Machine

2015 / 09 / 02 — Death is Accidental

2015 / 08 / 26 — Buried Alive

2015 / 08 / 19 — Two Falls Tie Up Mines

2015 / 08 / 12 — Mine Accident Proves Fatal

2015 / 07 / 29 — Sgt. Ralph Cameron Helps Sink U-Boat

2015 / 07 / 22 — We Hear From Boys Overseas

2015 / 07 / 01 — Firemen and Citizens Wage Gallant Fight To Control Bad Fire

2015 / 06 / 24 — Close Call

2015 / 06 / 17 — Boys and Girls Off To College

2015 / 06 / 10 — Graduates as Airwoman

2015 / 06 / 03 — Mine Accidents

2015 / 05 / 20 — Auditor Paints Gloomy Picture of Springhill’s Financial Situation

2015 / 05 / 13 — Hands across the sea

2015 / 05 / 06 — Mine Accidents

2015 / 04 / 29 — One for Ripley

2015 / 04 / 22 — Czechoslovakian Recruiting Officer Visits Springhill

2015 / 04 / 15 — Sports Plays Prominent Part in Aldershot Camp

2015 / 03 / 01 — Salute to bravery

2015 / 03 / 25 — Destroyed by fire

2015 / 03 / 04 — F.R. Gough Celebrates 19th Anniversary

2015 / 02 / 25 — Springhill Man Robbed in U.S.

2015 / 02 / 18 — Stewart Fraser Opens Corner Store

2015 / 02 / 11 — Corporal F. Embree Wins Several Medals for Shooting, Boxing

2015 / 02 / 04 — Bert Langille Retires; 52 Years in Local Mine

2015 / 01 / 31 — Lorne Slattery Killed at Wentworth Station

2015 / 01 / 21 — Mine Accidents Are Heavy

2015 / 01 / 07 — Loses Home, Belongings


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