The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

October 14th, 2015

May 27, 1943Springhill RecordAwarded Degree

      Congratulations to Vincent Vernon Rushton who received his Bachelor of Arts Degree this week at Acadia University Convocation, in preparation for the Ministry at the Baptist Church.  He is the son of Mr. And Mrs. Warren Rushton of Springhill.

June 3, 1943 Rotary Club is Organized; E.B. Paul President

     Steps for the organization of a Rotary Club were taken Friday by a group of business and professional men who are planning to establish a unit of that world-wide service organization in Springhill.  Meeting with H.W. McKeil, District Governor, and Roy Durling, President of the Sackville Rotary Club in the Carleton Hotel, these men voted to apply for a charter in Rotary International, thus adding Springhill to the more than 5,100 cities in some 50 countries in the world where Rotary has come to play a part in progress and development of the life of the community.

     Those present at the meeting were: Dr. H.W. McKeil, District Governor; Roy Durling, President of Sackville Rotary; E.B. Paul, S.D. Reid, Rev. G.N. MacLean, L.B. Herrett, Wm. C. Wilson, C.J. Allbon, Jr., Dr. H.L. Simpson, Dr. M. J. Wardrope, D. Anderson, E.S. Boran and C.W. Carter.

Officers selected were:

President - E.B. Paul

Vice-Pres. - Dr. M.J. Wardrope

Secretary – Rev. G.N. MacLean

Treasurer – S.D. Reid

Sgt. - At - Arms – C.J. Allbon, Jr.

Councillors – Claude W. Carter, Leo B. Herrett, Wm. C. Wilson, E.S. Boran

     The new club is sponsored by the Rotary Club of Sackville, N.B., whose members have brought Rotary to Springhill through their friendly feeling for business and professional acquaintances in this town.  There are also other Rotary Clubs in Amherst and Truro.  One of the distinctive features of Rotary is that club members are welcome visitors at every other club in the world, so it is expected that the new Rotary Club of Springhill will have numerous visiting Rotarians at its meetings. 

     Dr. H.W. McKeil defined Rotary as “a world fellowship of business and professional men who are united in the ‘ideal of service,’ which is thoughtfulness and helpfulness to others.”

     “Members of Rotary Clubs,” he continued “endeavor to exemplify the motto ‘Service above Self,’ in all of their daily business, social and civic contacts by placing the obligation to serve others before the desire for profit for themselves.  A Rotary Club selects its membership on the basis of one active member from each recognized business and profession in the community.  In this way, each club has in its membership a representative of the cross section of the business and professional interests and activities of the community.”

    The new Rotary Club of Springhill has the same general objectives as all other Rotary Clubs throughout the world.  These opportunities for service are expressed in what is referred to as “the four objects of Rotary” which are:

  1. 1.To encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise, and in particular, to encourage and foster:

  2. 2.The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service

  3. 3.High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying by each Rotarian of his occupation as an opportunity to serve society;

  4. 4.The application of the ideal of service of every Rotarian to his personal, business and community life;

  5. 5.The advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional men united in the ideal of service.

     The Rotary Club of Springhill will hold its regular weekly meetings in the Carleton Hotel at 12:30 p.m. on Friday.  As soon as it has been formally admitted to membership in Rotary International, its official Rotary Charter will be delivered by the Rotary Club of Sackville and Dr. H.W. McKeil, District Governor, at a special meeting which will be attended by Rotarians from many of the clubs in this Rotary district.

Mother Receives Memorial Cross

     Mrs. Charles Letcher, wife of Q.M.S. Charles Letcher, has received on behalf of the Government of Canada, the beautiful Memorial Cross in memory of her son Sgt. William. D. Letcher, killed in action April 2, on the Tunisian Front, North Africa, while serving with the British 1st Army, at the age of 22 years.

     Sgt. Letcher left a young wife and baby daughter in England who will come to Canada to make their home with Mr. and Mrs. Letcher, and who are expected to arrive during the summer.

     The Cross is the third to be received by Springhill mothers, Mrs. Roach McKay and Mrs. Edwin Weatherbee having received them in memory of their boys, Archie McKay and Douglas Weatherbee.


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