The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

August 19th, 2015

Feb. 4, 1943Springhill RecordTwo Falls Tie Up Mines

     Two tie ups during the week have slowed production in No. 2 mine to a standstill, but it is expected that operations will be in full swing for the afternoon shift today.

     The first accident occurred Friday evening when the rake went back over the brow after the chain had been taken off.  Thundering back down the steep grade some of the boxes piled up at the 800, others continued to the 1800 where the worst fall occurred, while others went on to the 2600.  Some 80 boxes of stone were loaded at the 800, 140 boxes at the 1800, and only a little at the 2600. 

     The worst feature of the smash-up was at the 800 where Manager Wm. F. Campbell was caught in a second fall that pinned him under the debris and fractured his hip while his other leg was crushed.  This happened about 2 a.m. Saturday morning and for two hours workmen strove to release him.  Exposed to the cold Mr. Campbell’s position was not a pleasant one and Dr. H.L. Simpson went into the mine to check on his condition and give him a stimulant.  Several others were injured slightly in the second fall but the injury to Angus Herrett was the most serious.  Mr. Herrett is on his feet again but none too well yet.  With Mr. Campbell, Mr. Herrett was removed to the hospital.

     It was Wednesday afternoon when the mines commenced operations again and hoisting began at 4 p.m.  At 7.45 the engineer suddenly felt the rope slacken as he hit the steep at the 3000, and stopped the rake.  They didn’t have to wait long to find the reason as 12 boxes piled up at the 4400 bottom.  Examination showed that one of the drawbacks had broken about a foot back of the gooseneck.  About 50 boxes of stone were loaded and it was expected the mine would be operating again this afternoon. 

Young Officer Missing

     Mrs. J.A. Tibbetts, Chapel St., has received word that her grandson, Ensign Albert Henry Farrell, 22, of the U.S. Merchant Marine has been reported “Missing in action, in defense of his country.”  The young officer is a graduate of the Massachusetts Nautical School and also of the Arms Academy.  He is the only son of Conservation Officer and Mrs. Albert G. Farrell, of Shelburne Falls, Mass. And a “youth well-liked.”  Friends of Mrs. Tibbetts will sympathize with her in her anxiety. 

Feb. 11, 1943 Children Injured

     George Spence, age seven years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Spence, was admitted to All Saints Hospital Saturday with a broken leg when he was struck by the rear of a car driven by Carvell McCormick.  The driver was watching two youngsters playing on the right side of Junction Rd. and he failed to notice the little Spence boy, who was lying down on the left of the road, until it was too late to avoid hitting him.  He swerved the car to the right but the rear end of the car caught the boy. 

     The three children recently injured while coasting on a double runner are now improving.  Severe injuries were sustained when they crashed into a car parked on the side of the road.  They were Gerald McManaman, and Glyn and George Hayden, Jr.  Gerald was shaken up and frightened but the Hayden boys were in a more serious plight.  Both were taken to All Saints Hospital where Glyn had a bad cut above his eye attended to.  George received internal injuries which has necessitated an operation.

Injured In Fall

     Mrs. James Allbon is a patient in All Saints Hospital suffering from injuries from a fall down the cellar steps.  X-Ray pictures have failed to expose any broken bones, but Mrs. Allbon is confined to be under observation.  On Saturday, January 27, Mr. Allbon had gone to the cellar for coal, leaving the door open, Mrs. Allbon was ironing.  As she turned from the ironing board she suffered a weak spell and fell through the open door into the cellar.  On Tuesday she was removed to the hospital.  Her many friends hope her speedy and satisfactory recovery.

Feb. 25, 1943Former Mount Allison Athlete Proves Efficiency

     Lieut. Raymond G.C. Cunningham, Springhill, now serving Overseas recently completed a course for Company Commanders and Regimental Officers, and also a short course in Physical Training, doing well in both.

     The latter course was particularly interesting, concluding with the Physical Efficiency Test. The obstacle course included crossing 70 feet of rope wearing all gear.  It was required also to run 200 yards in full equipment, carrying a man of his own weight also in full equipment and with rifle. 

     The test included two races: 2 miles, 17 min. allowed and 10 miles, 2 hours allowed, in full battle order.  In the class of 25 he came first in both, doing the 2 mile in 13 min. and the 10 mile in 1 hr. 33 min.

     Lieut. Cunningham graduated from Mount Allison University in the class of ’40 with his Bachelor of Arts Degree in preparation for the ministry of the United Church of Canada, deferring his studies to enter the Canadian Army.  He is a Gold Letter Man (Rugby and Hockey.)  During the term of 1939-40 he was on the staff as assistant Physical Director and was assistant Coach of the Varsity Hockey Squad as well as a member of the C.O.T.C; being one of three students recommended for a Commission.  All three are now serving Overseas.

     Raymond is the younger son of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Cunningham.  The elder son Sgt. Herbert Cunningham, formerly of the Royal Bank, has been Overseas since December 1939.  Both are in the West Nova Scotia Regiment.


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