The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

June 10th, 2015

Sept. 17, 1942Springhill RecordGraduates as Airwoman

     Ottawa Sept. 11 – At a graduation ceremony today more than 150 members of the Royal Canadian Air Force (Women’s Division) completed their training at Manning Depot at nearby Rockcliffe Air Station.  The graduates will be posted to various stations in Canada.

     The graduating class included: Ethel M. Maddison, Springhill.  Miss Maddison is the daughter of Mr. And Mrs. John R. Maddison, Junction Rd.  Her father is a veteran of the First World War.

Sept. 24, 1942 Two Injured in Accident

     A Plymouth car owned by Hugh McDonald of Parrsboro and operated by David Ripley also of Parrsboro failed to make the turn on the road to Springhill Junction about a half-mile below the Town limits Thursday morning and piled up in the woods on the left hand side of the road.

     Other occupants in the car were: Paul Morris, of Parrsboro; Margie Arseneau and Freda Newcombe, both of Springhill.  The two boys, who are enlisted in the Navy, came out of the accident without any injuries.  On being admitted to All Saints Hospital it was found that Miss Arseneau suffered a broken shoulder.  Miss Newcombe was unconscious and severely bruised.  The full extent of her injuries will not be known for a few days.

     When questioned by the police, the boys claimed they were proceeding at a speed of forty miles an hour and coming to the turn lost complete control of the car.

Look For Settlement of Old Grievances

     With the prospect of foreclosure this week by the Sheriff, on the properties which changed hands during the U.M.W. - A.M.W. dispute, back in 1935, a very real effort to bring the parties together was made this week by the Canadian Legion, when the parties concerned, the Town Council and the Canadian Legion meeting in the Town Hall  Tuesday evening.

     Only three members of the former A.M.W. men were at the meeting; Messrs. Harlan Pettigrew, James Johnson, Charles Harrison.  The other two, Art Simons is in the army and James Cullumbine moved to England some years ago.

     Representing the United Mine Workers were: Howard Tattrie, Sub-District Board member; Bruce Hyatt whose house was sold during the Court action; William Mackey, President of the Union; William Brown, Secretary; Aubrey Osmond and others.  Members of the Legion who were responsible for bringing the parties together were George C. Burden, Secretary; William H. Matthews and A.B. Smith, M.L.A.  The entire council was in attendance.

     As the meeting opened, Mr. A. Smith, at the request of the Mayor, explained the object of the get-together.  The position of the U.M.W. was outlined by Mr. Tattrie and Mr. Mackey.  Mr. Harrison spoke on behalf of the former A.M.W. men and Mr. Burden appealed for co-operation in getting this long outstanding and contentions matter settled for good and all.

     Councillor Noiles expressed the opinion that three members of each group should retire to another room and try to reach a settlement.  This suggestion was accepted and in a very short time the parties came together with both sides agreeing to give and take.

     The final basis of agreement accepted was that the A.M.W. men would accept a financial settlement of half the judgement they held and in return for this they would be reinstated in the Union and permitted to return to work.  The properties sold during the dispute are to be returned clear to their owners. 

     Both side seemed very happy about the final outcome of the session and the matter will probably be placed before the union on Saturday night.

363 Women Registered

     The registration of Canadian women in the age group 20-24 years opened last week at the local office of the National Selective Service and has been so far, quite satisfactory.

     Registration to date (Thursday) shows:

  1. Town of Springhill     271

  2. Surrounding District     92

  3.      Total                       363

Figures for Parrsboro and Parrsboro Shore are still to be compiled.  Extension of time, has been granted, up to Oct. 3rd and the registration will be continued by the regular staff; after which figures in more detail will be available. 

     The work of registration has been administered under direction of local Manager, Mr. T.A. Barrow; with three assistants: Mrs. Ruth Merlin, Miss Jean Philpot, Mrs. Barrow and Stenographer, Miss Olive Merlin.


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