The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

November 25th, 2015

June 24, 1943 Springhill RecordCitizens Will Supply Comforts For Frigate

     On Friday evening, June 18th, representatives from 18 societies attended a meeting called by Mayor Mason, to discuss ways and means towards providing the necessary working committee or committees in order that the proposed launching of the Canadian Naval “Frigate” craft H.M.C.S. Springhill will be properly attended by representative Citizens of Springhill, also to provide some recognition of the ship and its crew from the Citizens in honor of the ships name.

     Mr. Mason outlined the proposals outlined by the Naval Department in anticipation of the launching, also reading to the gathering copies of the correspondence he had forwarded to the Department and to Springhill Citizens resident in Vancouver, B.C

     The Mayor has written to Mrs. (Dr.) James A. Sutherland, 1860 Napier St., Vancouver, requesting that she represent the town in christening the ship and that the official party compose that of Mr. and Mrs. Dr. J.A. Sutherland, Rev. and Mrs. Elbert Paul, First Baptist Church, Vancouver and Sub.–Lieut. James O. Fairbanks, R.C.N.V.R., H.M.C.S., Royal Roads, Esquimalt, B.C. and his wife. A letter has also gone to Mrs. Charles O….rette, 3686 Blenheim St., Vancouver suggesting that she may be able to gather together a large representation of Springhill Citizens at the launching who are residents of Vancouver and Victoria, B.C.

     Mr. Howard Tattrie and Harry Slater moved that the meeting approve the action taken by the Mayor previous to this meeting and the motion carried.

     George Hopkins and Mrs. Chas. Atkinson moved that a permanent committee by appointed to consist of one representative from all Fraternal Organizations in town.  Motion carried.

     Mr. Aubrey Osmond advised the meeting that he had recently talked with a crew member from the H.M.C.S. Regina, and by his conversation, gifts to the ship by Towns and Cities usually consisted of silver plate or a ship’s bell.  The ship’s bell being the most useful.  For the crew, Mr. Osmond was advised, that electric irons, toasters and hot plates, are most useful to the crew.  It was also suggested that some kind of sweatshirt could be provided carrying the crest of the Town of Springhill.

     Mr. Tattrie and Wallace Hannah moved that the Town Council be requested to present a ship’s bell suitably inscribed “Town of Springhill.”

     Another motion was that every citizens and all clubs and societies be contacted for a donation toward the necessary fund.

     It was suggested that all citizens who have relatives from Springhill in Vancouver or Victoria should write them regarding the proposed launching so that a large group of Springhillers would be in attendance, with the hope that suitable photos will be taken for later publication.

     The following Directors were elected: -

     Chairman: A.J. Mason, Mayor

     1st. Vice Chairman: Wm. Mackey, U.M.W.

    2nd. Vice Chairman: Miss Helen Hunter, I.O.D.E.

     Secretary: C.J. Allbon, Jr., Rotary

     Treasurer: Mrs. Wm. Lormier, Pythian Sisters

     Directors: E.B. Paul, Superintendent Coal Co.; Mrs. Russell Morse, Rebeccas;
                         Mrs. L. Henderson, L.W. True Blues.  

     Committee Members: Roach McKay, AF&AM; Wallace Hannah, Board of Trade;

     Wm. Gillis, C. Legion; Ed. Green, Sons of England; Bruce Hyatt, L.O.L.; Harry

     Slater, I.O.O.F.; Mrs. M. Marshall, D.O.E.; Mrs. H.L. Simpson, Red Cross;

     Miss Edith Gibson, Q.V.T.B.; Mrs. Ed. Harroun, G.T.; Miss Mary Hatherly,
     C.W.L.; Mrs. Mary Hyatt, Eastern Star; Mrs. Isaac Holloway, L.O. of B.

Rotary Club Receives Charter

     At the regular weekly luncheon held at the Carleton Hotel, Wednesday afternoon, the newly formed Rotary Club received it charter from the hands of District Governor McKeil, of Sackville.  Present at the gathering was Mr. Roy Durling, president of the Sackville Rotary Club which sponsored the local club, and a number of guest from Sackville and Amherst.  Mr. Durling occupied the chair as the meeting opened and later handed it over to E.B. Paul, the local President. There were a number of short addresses, welcoming the new club to Rotary and a pleasant time together was enjoyed by the members.

July 8, 1943 Fountain at Band Stand is Installed

     The water fountain, for which Superintendent Dan Davis gathered the money along the street last year, has at last been installed beside the bandstand and adds to the general appearance of the lot.

Oct. 8, 1942 Oxford JournalAuto Rolls Over Bank, Four Escape

Springhill Oct. 4 – Four persons had a narrow escape from being seriously hurt on the Valley Road over the weekend when a car driven by Mrs. Eddie Conery, Valley Road, ran off the road while making a turn.  It was reported that the steering gear locked.  

     The car went down a small embankment, turned over twice and landed up against a telephone pole, breaking it.  Others in the car were Pte. Eddie Conery, Miss Helen Dykens, Miss Katherine McCabe, Oxford Junction, who escaped with slight injuries about the body and arms.  Mrs. Conery suffered from an injured leg.  The car was damaged considerably.


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