The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

December 9th, 2015

July 15, 1943 Springhill RecordWould Build a Racetrack

         The urge to repair the racetrack in Victoria Park has taken a hold on a number of horse-racing enthusiasts.  This was evidenced one evening last week when your correspondent “listened in” to an interesting conversation along this line.  It was gleaned from the controversy that a strong organization should be set up, composed of veteran horsemen as well as younger racing fans to make the necessary plans and promote a financial drive to take care of the extensive repairs. 

     The suggestions as put forth by this group as they gathered on the Bank steps were put to the test when Lester Dick, a one-time horse racing fan was called into the controversy and expressed his opinion as to what measures the proposed organization should take to assure the town of a real race track.  Included in the group was Jim Charman, that veteran of veterans in this particular sport, Charlie Paul, one-time baseball star, Alex. “Copper” Burden, long known as an ardent sports follower, and a number of others who are or have been, interested in the “Sport of Kings” for many years.

     The group did not expect the necessary plans to bear fruit within a year but with earnest co-operation and organization it was felt that eventually the sport would regain its former prominence. 

     As your correspondent wended his way homeward, the group were debating as to the performance of horses in many successful meets held in Victoria Park in past years, where the familiar game of baseball was rivalled only by horse-racing. 

     Do not be surprised then that very soon these interested sportsmen shall be making their initial plans to eventually bring horse racing back to this community, and it is believed that their efforts shall be supported by numerous sports fans, not only locally but in the County as well.

July 22, 1943 E. Michniack Killed in “Bump”

     Emmerson Michniack, 16, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Michniack, was crushed and killed at the 5400 wall, No. 4 Mine Tuesday night at 10:30 following a “bump” in that section of the mine.  The boy, who attended to the water on the cutting machine, had been working in the mine for some time.  His job was to keep the dust down.

     The accident was unusual.  The boy had taken up a position between two sets of packs on the waste side of the travelling road.  The packs were about three feet apart.  Here the men with whom he had worked thought he would be safe from danger.

     When the bump came the inside set of packs moved to catch the lad against the outside set and had to be cut away to release his body.  The place was about four feet high.  The cutting machine weighing about 2000 lbs. which the boy was tending, was broke in two with the force of the bump.  The pans which were between the boy and the face were crushed like tissue paper. 

     Of late months, there have been several “bumps” in this section with resultant injuries to the working force.

     The mine knocked off Tuesday evening but is working today.

July 29, 1943Bike Hits Car; Two in Hospital

     Marvin Spence, ten year old son of Mrs. Audrey Best met with a rather serious accident yesterday afternoon while riding his bike on Junction Road.  It is understood another boy called to him and as he turned to answer, he ran into the car of Rev. J. Leo Quinan of Halifax who was proceeding to Joggins. 

     The boy was injured in several ways, including a bad cut on his forehead and was otherwise badly bruised and shaken up.

     Marvin was taken to All Saints Hospital by Bill and Dan O’Rourke who were nearby when the accident occurred.  He is still in the hospital, but resting more comfortably. 

     Fr. Quinan received injuries to his kneecap and is suffering from shock.  He is resting at All Saints Hospital.

“Stan” Wood Badly Injured

     Stanley Wood, Overman in No. 4 Colliery was seriously injured Saturday when struck by two run-away boxes, and dragged a considerable distance down the slope.  One leg was broken and the other received serious laceration.  He is in All Saints Hospital where he was taken following the accident and doing as well as can be expected.

Painful Injury

     Ira Farnell, Company Hand in No. 2 Mine had the top of a finger taken off while spragging a box.  The injury was attended to at All Saints Hospital.

Aug. 26, 1943Local Boys on C.K.C.W.

     Bernie O’Brien and Harold King of the U.M.W. Chorus, Springhill, Musical Group, have been entertaining over the airwaves from “CKCW”, Moncton, Saturday evenings at 7 o’clock.  They have been well received and would like for everyone to tune in on their coming programs, which are building up.  The boys were joined last week by June King, a sister of Harold King, who was heard on several numbers.  They think you would like the program for this week.

     The U.M.W. Chorus have entertained from the Moncton station on two occasions and expect to be on the air again shortly.  We might assure them all of our interest and good wishes.


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