The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

February 25th, 2015

July 17, 1941 Springhill RecordSpringhill Man Robbed in U.S.

     Mr.  & Mrs. Alex McLeod of Atlanta, Georgia, had a harrowing experience recently when an armed negro entered their home and relieved them of a considerable amount of money. 

     Cutting the screen from the back door, the bandit entered the living room and covered Mr. McLeod with a revolver.  A friend of Mrs. McLeod was present and both women were ordered to produce their handbags, which he took, then backed out of the house.

     Mr. McLeod immediately notified the police and a search was made.  The man was evidently apprehended in North Carolina, where he had staged a series of holdups.  He was taken back to Atlanta where he was identified by Mr. McLeod. 

     Mr. McLeod (Alex to his friends here) is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. McLeod, Morris Street.  He was on the D. Murray and Company staff for a number of years before taking up residence in the U.S.A.

‘B’ Company in Training

     “B” Company of the North Nova Scotia Highlanders, 2nd. Battalion, have commenced their preliminary training prior to their departure for camp where they will spend the month of August under canvas.

     While the strength of the Second Battalion will be sharply reduced from that of last year, “B” Company will have no difficulty in reaching its full strength under the new setup.  During the year the local Company has seen many of its men transfer into active service, but others are rallying to the call daily and the Company is within a few of its objective which will be eighty men.

     Equipping of the men has been going on steadily and this year the non-permanent troops are being issued with the regular battle-dress as well as the summer suits issued last year.  Rifles, too, have been provided and some instruction in rifle drill will be provided before the men proceed to camp.  Training is being carried on three evenings per week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, in the Park, when weather permits.

Egg Weighs 4 ½ Ounces

“Can You Beat It!”?

     A big egg, going the rounds this week, was brought to the Record Office this morning.  It is from the flock of H.J. Carter, Oxford, of Rhode Island Red-Barred Rock cross.  This super egg has a circumference of 7 ½ inches by 9 inches and weighs 4 ½ ounces.  Mr. Carter has no idea which one of his flock produced it.  It does seem a pity that “Biddy” cannot be singled out for special attention.  Mr. Ricker, a visitor here, is taking the egg to New Brunswick and on his return to Halifax will have it placed on exhibition.

Hank O’Rourke Injured in Mine

     James “Hank” O’Rourke, the star of many a ball game, and an Overman in No. 1 Seam, was seriously injured in a mine accident Monday morning, when he suffered a compound fracture of the skull.  Today he is reported to be resting as comfortably as can be expected. 

     At the time of the accident, Jim was taking packs from the pans at the 4100 wall of the No. 1 Seam.  The wall was not working that morning owing to some local disputes over wage rates.  Workmen threw the packs on the pans and Jim took them off at the bottom.  One pan is said to have struck a bolt on the pans, which dropped at an angle of 25 degrees and hurtling through the air struck the Overman on the forehead just above the eyes as he looked up.  For a few moments “Hank” was out cold, but he recovered, passing out again as he reached the Hospital an hour and a half later.  Delay in getting him out of the mine was due, it is said, to the roundabout way men had to take. First Aid was of course given to the injured man in the mine.  While the injury is very serious it is expected the popular athlete will recover.

July 24, 1941- The World is a Small Place After All

     When he arrived n England some time ago Donald McMullen flopped onto a bed in his barracks, tired from a tedious journey.  Looking up over his head he saw some writing on the wall and when his curiosity got the better of him he examined the writing and was surprised to find that out of some 90,000 Canadians in England the writing should prove the address of Robert Blanchard, Springhill, N.S., Canada.  Believe it or not! 

Guards Winston Churchill

     In a letter to his mother Mrs. Frances Blanchard, Pte. Robert Blanchard who is with his unit in England, said his Company had the honor of being selected as a special guard at the week-end home of Prime Minister Winston Churchill.  After Mr. Churchill had inspected them they were taken through the Churchill home which was described as “very beautiful.”  Later they were feasted on Australian rabbit.  “Believe me, Mum, it was twice as nice as our chicken,” concluded the boy.


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