The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

August 12th, 2015

Jan. 14, 1943Springhill RecordMine Accident Proves Fatal

     Another mine accident occurred on Monday in No. 2 mine; claiming the life of a young worker, Herman Weirwick, age 31, while at his work.  The accident occurred, when his arm, caught in a tugger rope which was running, was drawn over the drum inflicting terrible body injuries.  Fellow workers stopped the engine and released the unfortunate man.  While being rushed to All Saints Hospital, he died on the way, in the ambulance.

     Following the accident officials held an investigation at the scene.  Varley B. Fullerton, K.C., of Parrsboro, will hold the usual inquiry.

     The funeral is being held this afternoon from his residence, King St., with Rev. Dr. Gornall of Wesley United Church officiating.

     Much sympathy is felt for the sorrowing family.

Property Destroyed

     What was said to have been an explosion from the stove as fresh coal was being put on, totally destroyed the home of James Cain, upper Church Street, on Friday evening.  The house was quite new and unfinished.  The family lost practically all their furniture.  The firemen were aided by a light wind in saving the surrounding properties.  Low water pressure caused considerable difficulty for a few minutes and the Fire Chief pointed out the urgent need for a pumper to combat fires on the higher levels.

Jan. 21, 1943 Firemen Busy During Week

     The home of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Campbell, Church Street, was severely damaged by fire Tuesday at the noon hour.  It is thought that the fire started from a defective chimney and Mr. and Mrs. Campbell were at lunch when a neighbor announced the roof was on fire.  It was a bitterly cold day which hampered the firemen.  Before the fire was extinguished the entire roof was badly damaged and the downstairs section suffered from water.  Mr. and Mrs. Campbell and the baby are staying with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Campbell.

     The Fire Department responded to a call yesterday afternoon for a roof fire at a house owned by Tolbert Henwood, the former Chinese Laundry, Church St.  Fortunately the damage was slight, as the house occupied by Allison Langille, is under quarantine for Diphtheria.

     The Firemen were out again this morning on a call to the St. David’s Presbyterian Manse, when a blaze started following an explosion from the kitchen stove.  Mr. Fraser had lighted the fire, which together with frozen pipes, caused the explosion.  The stove was blown to bits and we understand Mr. Fraser narrowly escaped serious injury.  It will be necessary to close the house for a time for repairs.

     Craig Brown, Windham farmer, lost his house by a disastrous fire on Sunday afternoon.  The house was closed during the absence of Mr. and Mrs. Brown, who were visiting in Rodney.  A phone call, soon after their arrival, informed them that their place was on fire.  The house was an entire loss, very little being saved.  The cellar stocked with wood and large quantities of potatoes and other supplies was also a loss.  It is thought the fire may have originated in the kitchen but probably it will never be known.   Brown.

Mar. 31, 1938Oxford Journal - Springhill Home Is Burglarized

Springhill Mar. 28 – The home of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Conway was entered Saturday night between the hours of 7:30 and 10:30 and two bedrooms ransacked.

     Burglars forced a window on the verandah and went upstairs where they pulled down the blinds and ransacked two bedrooms taking jewelry, an old watch and a bank containing old coins and money.  The break was discovered by Mr. Conway’s daughter shortly after eleven.

     This morning four boys playing around the rink discovered some jewelry.  Continuing the search another boy found the bank from which the coins had been taken but the old bills including American twenty-five and ten cent notes were intact.  All items but one ring have been recovered.  The burglars passed up a valuable watch that was on a table on the ground floor.

Apr. 14, 1938 Oxford JournalPress For Paving of Valley Route

Springhill Apr. 7 – Trade Board decided to support Oxford in its demand that the Wentworth Valley Route be paved.  It was also decided to ask if Amherst Board was prepared to support the paving of the valley route prior to the Sunrise Trail.

     The Board also decided to continue to press C.N. Express for motor delivery here.

     Twenty trees will be replaced around the schools.


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