The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

July 22nd, 2015

We Hear From Boys Overseas

Jan. 7, 1943Springhill RecordDouglas Weatherbee Killed in Crash

     Sympathy goes out to Mr.  & Mrs. Edwin Weatherbee on the loss of their only son, Douglas, of the R.C.A.F., in the crash of a plane, at his training camp.  Word of his death came yesterday (Wednesday) morning.  There were no details and at last word, the funeral arrangements had not been made. 

     Although he was not to meet the enemy in action, he gave of his best, even the gift of his fine young life as his contribution.

Killed In Action

     Mr. & Mrs. Roach McKay have the deep sympathy of the community over their son, W.A.C., Archie McKay, listed in September as Missing in Action over enemy territory and now presumed dead.’

     Advice has now been received from the R.C.A.F. Casualties Officer, Overseas, through the International Red Cross at Geneva.  The report, based on official German information, states that the young airman was buried at Mordeque Central near Hazenbrouk, France

     Mr. McKay is in receipt of a letter to this effect from the R.C.A.F. Casualties Officer at Ottawa.

We Hear From Boys Overseas

     Mrs. Beulah Cummings received a cable from her son, Roy J. Cummings, of his safe arrival in England.  Her other son Charles went over with the North Nova Scotia Highlanders.

     Mrs. Sam Brown was pleased to receive a cablegram bringing Christmas greetings from Overseas from her son Sigmn. Douglas Brown.

     Mr.  & Mrs. Seldon Paris received a cable from their son, Gunner Gerald Paris, Overseas, wishing them a Happy New Year.

     Mrs. Douglas DeBaie received a telegram from her son, Tpr. Roderick DeBaie wishing the family a Merry Christmas.  He was just recently was moved to Saskatchewan.

    Mrs. Margaret Marshall was pleased to receive Christmas greetings in a cablegram from her son James Marshall “Somewhere in England.”

     Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Livingston were pleased to receive a cablegram on Christmas Eve bringing greetings from their son Pte. Ronald Livingston, “Somewhere in England”.

     Mrs. Lorne Winters received a cablegram and Christmas Greetings from her husband, Sig. Winters, Overseas.

     Mrs. I Mackey received flowers from her sons overseas for Christmas.

     Mr. Joseph Maddison received a cable telling of the safe arrival overseas of his sons, Ptes. Roy and Ray Maddison.

     Mrs. Janet Rushton received a cablegram from overseas with Christmas and New Year Greetings from her son Gnr. James Rushton.  A message was received also from her grandson Gnr. Alex McLeod, to his wife and family.

     Mrs. John Brine received New Year Greetings from her son, L-Sto. Bill Brine, stating he had arrived safely overseas.

    Mr. and Mrs. John Lowther received Christmas and New Year’s greetings in a cablegram, from their son Pte. Harry (Peckie) who is serving with the Canadian Army Overseas.  Peckie reports he is well and enjoying his stay in England.

Aug. 19, 1937Oxford JournalTruck Hits Moose

     A cow moose was struck near Springhill Junction, Friday, by a truck and had to be destroyed by the R.C.M.P. The animals shoulder had been broken and the front of the truck badly damaged.

Oct. 7, 1937Oxford Journal Nurses Graduate at Springhill

Springhill – The Graduation exercise of Class of ’37 All Saints Hospital was held last Wednesday afternoon at All Saints Church and was witnessed by a large number.  The graduates were Miss Catherine Jean Wilson, of Bedford; Miss Frances Edith Arseneault, of Springhill; Miss Marion Margaret Burke, of Joggins; and Miss Mary Bernice Banks of Wilmot.  The exercises were conducted by Rev. G.R. Harrison, former Rector of All Saints Church, now of Summerside, P.E.I., assisted by Rev. J.M.C. Wilson, of Halifax, son of the founder of the institution, the late Rev. Charles Wilson, and Rev. C.R. Harris, of Parrsboro.  The service was simple but impressive and was attended by the Sisters and Nursing Staff of the hospital.


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