The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

April 29th, 2015

Dec. 25, 1941Springhill RecordOne for Ripley

     Charlie Murray is carrying a broad smile this morning, and all because a Christmas card arrives from Mrs. A.J. McDonald, Scotland.  “What was unusual about that?”  Nothing, but the only address on the envelope was “Mr. and Mrs. Charlie R. Murray, Main St. Nova Scotia.”  Charlie was ready to hand out a bouquet to the Post Office Department with the remark, “That’s efficiency for you.”  We are ready to agree with that opinion especially at this busy season of the year.

Feb. 5, 1942Celebrates 103 Birthday Today

     A grand old lady, Mrs. William Simmonds of Springhill celebrates her 103 birthday anniversary today, at the home of her grand-daughter, Mrs. Silas Pettigrew, with whom she is staying at the present.  This is and evident of unusual interest, not in her years alone, but in her quality and spirit of happiness.  Her life has been so very long – long since her children have grown and now passed into the fifth generation.  One has only to note her expression to know the happiness is there, a lingering beauty not always seen in the faces of the aged and in a moment she will smile; for this is the way she has grown old.

     Of her ten children, five are still living:  Mrs. Sarah Pollett, Glace Bay, her eldest daughter, now 84; Mrs. John Blockley, Mrs. Charlie Clemson, Springhill; Mrs. Eunice Eveleigh, Boston; Miles Simmonds of Yarmouth.  One son, Renforth was killed in the Springhill Explosion; two daughters Mrs. Jordon Churchill and Mrs. Daniel Boran, have passed on, and two babies who died so very long ago.  Her husband predeceased her a number of years ago at Yarmouth, after which she returned to Springhill which had been her home for so long, to be with her children here and at Five Islands, where she had a little house for herself, which she left less than two years.  She has continued active and in good health, but since Christmas she has not seemed so well.

     Last year on her birthday anniversary the Record gave a sketch of her life.  This year we simply pay tribute to her age and wish her the same happiness that has been hers through the years. 

Honored By Simpsons

     At the annual dinner of the Robert Simpson Company Agents, held at the Lord Nelson Hotel in Halifax, last week, Mr. H.N. Soley, local representative of the company, was presented with an Elgin wrist watch for “meritorious service.”  The presentation came as a great surprise to the local representative.  Mr. Soley has been with the company for the last seven years, during which time the business has progressed very nicely.  His many local friends will join with the Record in extending congratulations to Mr. Soley, who while devoting himself to the business, nevertheless, finds time to serve the community as a member of the School Board and the Board of Trade

We Hear From Boys Overseas

     Sig. Jimmie Hayman and Pte. Fraser Hayman, in letters to their parents, Mr. And Mrs. Wesley Hayman, tells of parcels received, for which thanks are due the Springhill Tobacco Club, the Wesley United Church and the I.O.D.E. for cigarettes; also for notes received from Carvel McCormick, Mrs. Ross and Mr. and Mrs. Conway and Margaret.  They have been greatly appreciated.

     Pte. Albert Ellis, of the N.N.S.H., in a letter to his sister, Mrs. Herbert Holloway, tells an interesting story.  Back in November the Halifax Herald published a photo of several Springhill boys serving overseas.  Cpl. Arthur Arseneau, Pte. “Tick” Cameron, Douglas McDonald, Albert Ellis and Tony Beaton; Spr. Fred Fear.  It appears, while enjoying a leave in London, went into Hyde Park and well sitting on a park bench picked up a discarded newspaper – The Halifax Herald with the above named group.  Needless to say he carried the paper away with him and later sent it to Herbert Crowe for the North Nova Scotias.

     A letter was received by Mrs. Michael Moore last week from her husband Spr. Michael Moore “Somewhere in England” who wishes to thank the Wesley Church and also the Tobacco Club of Herrett Road for gifts of tobacco and cigarettes.  All are much appreciated. Spr. Moore says “Cigarettes and tobacco are a worry over here so it makes a fellow feel good to know that our people at home have not forgotten us.  I have seen many of the Springhill boys over here, but as yet, have not been lucky enough to see Tom Blue.

     Mrs. Pat Kennedy received a cablegram from her husband Pte. Kennedy “Somewhere in England” saying he has fully recovered from a recent appendix operation.


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