The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

October 21st, 2015

Oct. 17, 1940Oxford JournalAccident near Springhill Results in Girl’s Death

Springhill Oct. 13 – A car accident at Saltsprings, a short distance outside the town limits claimed the life of Hilda Smith. 16, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Robert Smith of Rodney, at 5 o’clock Sunday morning and sent five persons to the hospital.  Injured are Arnold Brine, 18, driver of the half ton truck, broken shoulder; Eldred “Bubbles” Tabor, fractured arm and knee cap; Mark Hoeg, shoulder injury; Mrs. Percy Brine, back injury and broken nose; her husband Percy Brine, who was discharged from the Hospital Sunday afternoon, suffered from shock. 

     The six were returning to town in a 1930 half ton truck with Arnold Brine at the wheel and Miss Smith and Eldred Tabor in the front seat.  Mr. and Mrs. Brine and Mark Hoeg were seated in the rear when the truck suddenly left the road.  The occupants were scattered over the ten foot embankment.  Miss Smith’s arm was pinned under the rear wheel of the truck when help arrived.

     Theodore Melanson heard the crash and was the first to reach the scene of the accident and immediately telephoned for assistance.  The victim who had sustained a fractured skull was dead when released from the wreckage.  Corporal McWhirter, R.C.M.P., investigated.

     The deceased is survived by her parents, Mr.  & Mrs. Robert Smith, one sister Robertina and seven brothers: Russell, Rowland, Raymond, Robert, Richard, Ralph and Roy, all residing in Rodney.

     Dr. R.S. Bennett, Coroner, empaneled a jury which this morning viewed the remains and visited the scene of the accident and adjourned until this afternoon when they reconvened at the Town HallLloyd Mills told of being called to the scene of the accident.  Charles O’Brien, garage man, who stated he examined the wreckage and found no blowout.  The brakes were good.  Percy Brine, one of the party, stated that they all had been drinking with the exception of the driver and that the truck swayed before going over the embankment.  Cpl. McWhirter stated the truck went 80 feet on the shoulder when it apparently hit a pole and went 3 feet further.

     The jury then adjourned to the hospital where evidence of the injured was taken.  Arnold Brine admitted having one drink.  Those examined at the hospital were Arnold Brine, Mark Hoeg, Eldred Tabor and Mrs. Percy Brine.  The jury found that the deceased came to her death by an unavoidable accident.

June 3, 1943Springhill Record Member of Precision Team

     We note with interest that Pte. Muriel Casey of Springhill is a member of the Canadian Women’s Army Corps special precision platoon now on tour in a series of military demonstrations to be presented throughout Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island.

     The squad of 2 girls has been expertly trained in precision drill in barely a month from being virtually raw recruits and now present a picture of smart and flawless drill in its exhibition of coordinated movement without spoken order. 

     In addition to its military interest each member is either a talented singer, dancer or entertainer.

Pte. Casey is a daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Casey.

Nurses in the Services

     We should like to add this week the name of Springhill Nurses in the Women’s Division of the Canadian Services:

Nursing Sister Grace Hopkins – R.C.A.M.C.

Nursing Sister Bonheur Cameron – W.R.C.N.S.

Pte. Annis K. Jones – C.A.D.C.

June 10, 1943We Hear From Boys Overseas

Letters from Tunisia

     Mr. & Mrs. John Calder have received interesting letters from their son Cpl. John Calder, R.C.A.F., serving with the Middle East forces.

     “We are now in Tunisia, the Garden of Africa.”  He wrote.  “This is a lovely country with its miles of olive trees and larks singing all day long.  You forget there is a war on until you hear the bumps.”

     “We are using French money with the franc as the rate of exchange: but money is still no good when you can’t buy anything with it.  We are able though, to get a few packages of cigarettes and such at our canteen.”

     A visit from General Montgomery was an event.  “He gave us a little friendly chat and sure was a hit with us Canadians.  He told us he was coming to Canada after the war.”   In a note of boyish admiration for a hero he adds “He is just a little squirt but he must be a tough nut to crack.”

     “Boy! I sure enjoyed that Springhill Record.” He wrote – having just received a copy.  He had received with sorrow the news of Archie McKay.

     These nice letters were cheery ending with “Well, I’m afraid there is work to do.” – Which is what our boys are doing over there, ready and anxious to finish the job.

     Mrs. William Livingston has received a cabled message from her son, Spr. James Livingston, who has been in the hospital three months, overseas.  Friends at home will be glad, as his parents have been, to learn that he is able to be out again and hope he has fully recovered by now.


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