The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

February 18th, 2015

May 29, 1941Springhill Record Opens Corner Store

     In this issue we carry an advertisement over the signature of Stewart Fraser, who has opened a store at the corner of Church and Clarence Streets, near the High School.  Stewart has made quite an improvement in the appearance of the store, and his friends wish him every success in his new venture.

July 10, 1941Car Accidents are Numerous

     Miss Isabelle Merry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Merry, and Angus McKay, son of Mr. and Mrs. D.L. McKay, are in All Saints Hospital as a result of an accident at the corner of Main and McDougall Streets Saturday evening, when they were struck by a car owned by Wallace Munroe, of Moncton and driven by Henry Casey, of Sunny Brae.  It appears that Casey misjudged the turn at that point and turning too late hit the young couple who were on foot.  Both were badly shaken up.  The car hurdled a ditch and broke off a telephone pole.  Casey was charged with operating a car without a permit.

     Following a car crash when his automobile collided with that of Arnold Stonehouse, Fred Carde, Jr., appeared before County Magistrate James Fairbanks with a charge of operating a vehicle while under the influence of liquor and was sentenced to fifteen days in jail.  Jack Stamper and Elmer Dunphy, who were with Carde, suffered injuries, the former a broken collarbone.

     Coming from behind a car, Pearl Pettigrew, nine year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Pettigrew, Miller Corner, was struck down and injured by a car driven by Allan Skidmore early this week.  The child is said to be progressing favorably.  Only the quickness of Mr. Skidmore saved the child from more serious injuries.

Two Injured as Car Overturns

     A car driven by Miss Elizabeth Sumner of Fall River, Mass, overturned on Junction Road about a mile from town yesterday morning and sent two persons to the hospital.  Miss Sumner who was passing a car evidently misjudged the distance from the shoulder of the road.  In the car with her were her parents Mr. and Mrs. William Sumner who were taken to the hospital suffering from cuts and bruises, and Mrs. Canning, a former resident of Nova Scotia, who also received some minor cuts and bruises.  They were discharged from the hospital this morning.

July 17, 1941Huge Stone Claims Life of Frank Gillis; Wm. Carter Escapes

     A fall of stone, known to miners as a horseback, claimed the life of Frank Gillis at 10:30 o’clock Tuesday morning in No. 4 Mine, and almost claimed as its second victim William Carter, who worked with Gillis.  Carter escaped with a cut on his head and arm and a bruised leg. 

     Besides Gillis and Carter, Allan McNeil, a pipefitter, was in the place at the time of the accident and only five feet from Carter.  He suffered no injuries.

Cleaning up Coal

     As the accident happened Gillis and Carter were cleaning up their coal after shooting, and were loading their last scoop which would permit them to set their props.  The men loaded from opposite sides and as the heavy end of the horseback fell on Gillis’s side it knocked his left arm over the scoop almost severing it under the armpit.  The lighter end of the stone struck Carter on the head and showered him at the same time knocking him away from the scoop. 

     Jumping to his feet and with the aid of McNeil the men attempted to raise the stone off Gillis, but found they were unable to lift it no more than a few inches using a prop.  McNeil had then ran for help, but before he had gone many feet, Carter, examining Gillis, found he was dead.  Upon examination the stone measured ten feet long, five feet wide and eight inches thick.  It took ten men to extricate Gillis. 

     In speaking of the accident, Mr. Carter expressed the opinion that had Gillis’s arm not been caught between the scoop and the rock he might have escaped without serious injury under the protection of the scoop, which is some twenty inches high. 

     Funeral services will be held in St. John’s Church at 9 o’clock.  Members of the U.M.W. will attend.

     Frank Gillis leaves a wife and child.

Hospital Gets Water

     The Town took drastic steps this week to supply the Hospital with water.  Early this week an inch and a half pipe was laid direct from the tank to the hospital and now the institution has a plentiful supply. 

     Discussing the water shortage Mayor Wilson pointed out the Company was proceeding with the installation of their own system soon and it would take two or three months to complete.  In the meantime citizens are urged to conserve water.



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