The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

January 31st, 2015

Lorne Slattery Killed at Wentworth Station

Mar. 20, 1941Springhill RecordAmbulances are presented

     The subordinate Lodges of the Daughters of England Benevolent Society have presented to the Red Cross in England two fully equipped motorized ambulances; and have $800.00 towards the third ambulance, for which the Daughters of England are responsible.  The present gifts will bear the following inscription: “Gifts of the Daughters of England Benevolent Society of Canada.”  “Royal Queen” No. 25 of Springhill donated a substantial amount towards the fund.

Doctors Working Hard

     The wave of illness which has been sweeping over the town for some months now is putting more than the usual strain on the local doctors.  Dr. Murray was in bed for a few days suffering from a cold and Dr. Bennett is confined to the house with measles.

Coal Prices Jump

     Coal prices moved upward again on Monday, March 17, with a .20 cent increase.  Screen coal will now sell at the mine for $5.95; nut at $6.20; and slack at $4.95.  These prices are in effect in town.  Those outside of town will pay $6.45 for screen; $6.70 for nut and $5.25 for slack.  Special prices are set for those working in the mines.

Leaving on Buying Trip

     Wm. C. Wilson leaves Sunday morning for Montreal on a special buying trip.  Mr. Wilson tell the Record he plans on large purchases of women’s wear to fill the growing need for local customers.

Lorne Slattery Killed at Wentworth Station

     The frozen body of Lorne Joseph Slattery, Canadian National Railway yard employee, of Saskatoon, was discovered by section men as they proceeded to their work near Wentworth Station, Tuesday morning.  The body was lying between the rails and covered with sleet from Monday evening’s storm.

     Cpl. McWhirter of the local detachment, R.C.M.P., was notified and proceeded immediately to the scene of the accident.  The body was brought to town and placed in Brown’s Undertaking Parlor.

     Identification was completed from papers taken from the clothes of the deceased, including his identification card and a letter from his sister at Saskatoon.

Coroner Takes Charge

     The local coroner, Dr. S.R. Bennett, at once ordered an inquest and a jury was assembled Wednesday afternoon, consisting of Cecil Venus, Pat McManaman, Thos. Faulds, Basil Beaton, Oscar Goldrich, Colin Ferguson, John Barton, Thomas Merritt, Henry Potter, Jack Price, James O’Rourke, and George Haystead.  Unfortunately Dr. Bennett took ill on Wednesday and was unable to attend. The inquest was postponed one week. Dr. H.L. Simpson was present at the Undertaking Parlor and examined the body and describing to the jury the extent of the injuries sustained by the deceased.  All the ribs were broken and the left leg.  The back gave evidence of being broken also and there were lacerations on the body, but from the appearance of the coat Slattery had worn, it looked like the wheels of a train might have passed over a part of it. 

     While no witnesses were called it is understood that Slattery, who had been brought East to work in this Division during the rush, had given up his work on Friday last and by Monday was on his way back to Saskatoon, where he had been employed in the CNR yard.  He stepped off the caboose at Wentworth Station at 6:45 p.m. saying he was going forward.  From that time on no one saw him until he was found Tuesday morning lying between the rails, his body frozen and covered with sleet from the storm that had been raging early Monday evening.  There was another train at the station at the time.

Funeral at Pembroke

     The body will be shipped to the home of his brother in Pembroke, Ontario, today, where interment will take place.

Inquest Next Wednesday

     The inquest will be continued next Wednesday when witnesses will be present from Wentworth and other points.

Apr. 10, 1941 Join the Army

     Springhill contributed another fourteen men to the army this week when the following passed their medical test and left for Halifax Tuesday evening: Archie Terris, Leander Rolfe, Veteran Sgt. Harry Davies, D.M.C. and M.M. (just couldn’t keep him out), Douglas Chisholm, Junction; Leonard Osmond, Garfield Skilton. William Meekins, Harold Clarke, Herbert Rushton, George C. Rogers, Eddie G. Hayes, Percy H. Spence. Harry Belliveau, Eldon Boss

    These boys will be distributed to the various arms of the service where they are needed.  Of particular interest is the re-enlistment of Sgt. Harry Davies who had a distinguished record in the Great War as a member of the 13th Battalion and was twice decorated.  For some time Harry has been anxious to get back into the fight.


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