The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

June 24th, 2015

Sept. 10, 1942 Springhill RecordClose Call

     Richard McSavaney, Dominion Coal Company Mechanic, had a narrow escape from fatal injury last Thursday, in the course of his work.  It seems he was working at the top of a ladder at the carpenter shop with one knee braced against the side of the building, when his head touched a live wire and a high voltage current passed through his body, coming out at the knee.  He was thrown to the ground and rushed to All Saints Hospital, he remained in a state of coma for several hours, and for a time suffered from general shock.

      It is said the voltage was 2,200.  From his forehead, the point of contact, a burn ran from his ear to the back of his head, with a burn, also, at the knee.  He was otherwise injured by the fall.  He was able to be removed to his home on Sunday but will be obliged to remain in bed for a couple of weeks. 

Oct. 29, 1942 - Stole Car

     “Don’t leave the keys in your car” is a good motto to follow, so says Ian Price, anyhow.  It appears that Monday evening Ian parked his 1940 Oldsmobile at the foot of Main St.  Getting out of the car with a friend he wandered up the street a short distance.  Returning he discovered the car missing.  Reporting the incident to the police they hunted the streets but without results. Meanwhile the incident was reported to Amherst and early in the morning the car was located on the street near the Amherst Hospital undamaged.  Perhaps Ian wasn’t glad to get the news.  It was a nice piece of work on the part of the police.

Struck By Car

     Pte. Chester Mullins of Debert was struck by a hit and run driver on Junction Road Monday evening about 10:30.  When he recovered consciousness he made his way to the Junction where he was later picked up by Cpl. McWhirter, R.C.M.P. and Officer Bonnyman and brought back to the local hospital for treatment.  No clue has yet been obtained as to the identity of the driver, but the Police are hopeful of yet making an arrest.

Nov. 5, 1942Prisoners of War

     Official word was received Friday by Mrs. Sadie Lockhart, that her nephew, Rflm. John Russell, is a prisoner of war at Hong Kong.  This is the first word received of him since the British stronghold on Christmas Day, and a great relief of the anxiety felt concerning him, over the past months.  He is the son of the late Mr. And Mrs. Samuel Russell. 

     Word was received also by Mr. Myles Roblee confirming the former notification that his son, Rflm. Lloyd Roblee, was a prisoner of the Japanese.  The two boys left Springhill together late last year before sailing for the Far East with the Royal Rifles of Canada.

Dec. 10, 1942Fire Causes $1,200 Damage

     Fire started Monday morning in the basement of Sandy Lormier’s house, Pleasant St. and was discovered around 9:30, by which time it had made disastrous progress and spread into the walls and into the roof.  The kitchen was completely destroyed, together with fire and water damage to the main house, brought the loss to about $1,200 partially covered by insurance.  The loss is serious but much of the furniture was saved. 

     This was the former Appleton house, purchased recently by Mr. Lormier and put under extensive repairs and renovation.

     On Tuesday morning, about the same time, fire broke out from a stove in a garage at the top of Herrett Road.  Although outside the town limits, members of the local Department went to render assistance but the blaze had been extinguished.  There was only slight damage. 

Dec. 17, 1942Deer Crashes Into Car

     Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bowden went to Amherst Thursday evening to visit their daughter, Mrs. Wm. Scott.  Before reaching the Junction, a deer running across the road, crashed into the car, bending the fender quite badly.  The deer picked itself up and moved slowly into the woods.

Unfortunate Accident

     Basil Spence meet with a serious accident Tuesday night at his work in No. 1 mine when his foot was so badly smashed that amputation was found necessary.  It is most regrettable and the injured man will have the sympathy of all in his misfortune.  He is a patient in All Saints Hospital and is as comfortable as it is possible for him to be for a few days at least. 


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