The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

September 16th, 2015

July 7, 1938 Oxford JournalDriver is Pinned Beneath Machine

     Springhill June 30 – An accident occurred on North Street this evening when a car owned and operated by Howard Moore of Westchester, while rounding a turn went into a deep ditch and turned on its side, pinning the driver beneath it.  He had his face badly cut by glass and his head injured.  He was taken from beneath the car by nearby residents and removed to All Saints Hospital where Dr. H.L. Simpson is attending.  He is resting as well as can be expected and will recover.

Nov. 28, 1938 Council Refuses

Springhill Nov. 20 – A request of the Highways Engineer that the Council give authority to have the joints of the concrete section of the Junction Road Highway refilled was turned down at tonight’s meeting of the Town Council.  The four members of the council present were divided on the matter and Mayor Davidson gave the deciding vote against the work being done.  The Mayor also refused to accept a motion that the town advertise the meeting of Users of Electric Current which was recently adjourned until Nov. 25.

Aug. 15, 1940Car Damaged In Accident Series

     A series of auto accidents were reported in the vicinity this weekend.  Most were of a painful nature but not serious.  Charles Williamson, of Springhill, had his nose and head badly cut when his car took the ditch outside Oxford Friday night and is a patient at All Saints Hospital, a number of stitches being required to close the cuts.

     Mrs. Laura Sprague, Springhill, received a bad shaking up when her car overturned on the Rockley Road near Oxford.

      E.C. Butler, a commercial traveler, with his wife received slight injury when their car overturned near Springhill, yesterday.  To avoid hitting some children of Mountain Road, Mr. Butler ran his car into the ditch.  Although the car was badly damaged the occupants were only slightly injured.

Oct. 17, 1940Thurs. Oct. 16, 1930 – An effort is being made to get work started on the new Fenwick road from Springhill to Amherst.

Dec. 23, 1920Springhill miners are seeking to have electric lamps issued for use in the mines.  At present open carbide lamps are used by the men.

Mar. 2, 1939 Hockey Player Injured

     James (Texas) White, shiftman in No. 2 Springhill, was struck in the foot by a pick while at work at the 4400 level, No. 1 seam at an early hour Monday morning.  He was taken to All Saints Hospital for treatment for the painful injury.

     His many friends in Oxford regret to hear of his misfortune.  Texas has been a member of the Oxford B.A.’s hockey team this winter.

Mar. 30, 1939 Miner Dies of Injuries

Springhill Mar. 28 – Four miners were injured – one fatally – in a riding rake accident Friday in the Cumberland Coal Company’s number two mine.

    Joseph Stephenhart suffered abdominal injuries and a broken back which resulted in his death at All Saints Hospital Monday night

      Jack McDonald had his arm broken.  Jim Thompson suffered bruises and Amos Boss injuries to his back and face.  The accident occurred at the 400 foot level on the fanway slope when the riding rake –string of cars –was ascending.

     Stephenhart believed to have raised in his seat in a low place in the slope was caught against the roof.  Before Angus Cunningham, chain runner, in charge of the rake, signaled the hoist engineer the train proceeded upward a considerable distance.

     Stephenhart was crushed against McDonald, Thompson and Boss below him who were dragged off the trolley.

April 8, 1943 Springhill RecordWe Hear From Boys Overseas

     SouthamptonMrs. Alex McLellan received a cablegram, Tuesday of last week, from her son Trooper Roy McLellan, telling of his safe arrival Overseas.

     More acknowledgements have been received during the past week for Christmas boxes of chocolates sent by the Baptist Church to the boys overseas.  The new names are as follows: Arthur Gabriel, Roy W. Vickery, John R. Calder, John H. Newcombe, Hollis Canning and James H. Wood.

     Mrs. Merlin Halliday (Iris Austin) has received a cablegram from her husband overseas, telling of his pleasure in hearing the re-broadcast of her message to him, recorded in Halifax in January.

     Trooper Halliday has been promoted recently receiving his first stripe as Lance Corporal.


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