The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

May 6th, 2015

Feb. 5, 1942Springhill Record Mine Accidents

     Clifford King, Company Hand in No. 2 mine, was painfully injured Friday when he slipped and fell on a long wall pan.  He was rushed to All Saints Hospital suffering from severe back injuries.

     Ora Stonehouse has his foot broken by a fall of coal in No. 4 mine on Saturday; and Robert MacAloney suffered head cuts in a similar accident in No. 2.  Both were admitted to hospital.

Feb. 19, 1942Struck By Car

    Douglas Skidmore, 10-year-old son of Mr. And Mrs. Allen Skidmore, Miller Corner, suffered a broken arm Monday morning when struck by a car.  The boy was playing hockey on the road when the accident occurred.  The car was driven by Charlie Ibbertson.

Tampered With Mail

     Magistrate Hugh Lambert has adjourned until Monday the trial of a ten-year-old boy found to have been tampering with His Majesty’s mails.  The lad had been opening mail boxes belonging to the Cumberland Railway and Coal Company, Mr. A.J. Mason and the Record.  Letters and cheques were found in the Ferguson home, damaged by fire some time ago, while children were playing in the ruins.  This is the first intimation that the mail had been tampered with.  Very shortly after the discovery the police had the lad in custody.  Some of the mail, including Company cheques, have been recovered, but it is believed that other mail has not been recovered.

Purse Snatcher at Work

     Mrs. A.B. Wilson paused for a moment at the door of Mrs. Gordon Archibald, before entering, Monday evening, when suddenly her purse had been snatched from her hand.  The following day police made an arrest and the young man appeared before Magistrate Lambert.  The case has been continued for one month.

Mar. 5, 1942
Army Train Will Come To Springhill Saturday; Open 9:30 to 11:30 A.M.

  1.      Citizens of Springhill, especially the kith and kin of soldiers who have enlisted for active service, will be interested to visit the Army Train to get a close up view and explanation of the most modern fighting equipment now being turned out in mass production by our Canadian War Factories.

  2.      This train, travelling from Coast to Coast, is carrying war equipment such as the Valentine Tank; the universal famous Bren Gun Carrier; a 25 pounder signaling equipment; light and heavy machine guns; various types of small arms; trade training displays; field hospital and dental equipment; Army Service Corps; Ordnance Corps and many other arms equipment.

  3.      The train was originally scheduled to stop at Springhill Junction.  The Committee in charge with the assistance of C.J. Allbon, Jr., who is at present in Ottawa, started negotiations in an effort to have this Army Train brought to Springhill. 

  4.      We are pleased to announce that through the efforts of the Hon. Angus L. McDonald and Percy Black, M.P., this train is being brought to the Cumberland Railway & Coal Company’s station in Springhill

  5.      The public are invited to inspect the train between the hours of 9:30 and 11:30 a.m. Saturday.

  6.      It is only natural to expect that the citizens of Canada who have made the manufacturing of this war equipment possible, will take advantage of the opportunity afforded them to see the splendid result of our united effort.

  7. A.J. Mason

                                                                                 Com. Chairman

Mar. 12, 1942 Will Recruit N.N.S.H. To Full War Strength

     The Springhill Company of the N.N.S.H. will be recruited to full strength at once, and an invitation is extended to those who would prepare themselves to defend their country should the occasion arise. 

     Recruits will be accepted between the age of 17 and 50 years, except in the cases of men between the ages of 19 and 35 whose category is “A” or “B.”  Men between the ages of 35 and 50 will be granted postponement with the unit should it be called up. 

     A rigid course of training will begin Tuesday, April 7, at the local Armouries. And those who wish to join should do so before that date.  Training will be carried on probably three evenings a week, with a period of 15 days in camp.  As this period may coincide with the annual holiday every man between the ages of 17 and 50 should give the matter serious consideration, and plan to fit himself for duty should the occasion arise.

     Those wishing to join the company should report at the Armouries during any day of the week or on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday evenings.  


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