The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

September 30th, 2015

May 13, 1943Springhill Record Springhill Boy Reported Lost

     George Lysaght, 34. Veteran of 17 years in the Merchant Marines, who had previously been reported as missing, was killed in action March 9, Somewhere in the Atlantic.

     His parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Lysaght, 250 Williams St., Providence R.I., were notified by Washington that he lost his life “in the performance of his duty and in the service of his country.”

     A High Mass of Requiem was celebrated Monday morning at 8 o’clock in St. Joseph’s Church for the repose of his soul.

     He was born in Springhill and left with his parents when he was 10 years old.  After coming to Providence he attended Cleary Parochial School and was graduated from Central High School.

     Besides his parents he is survived by his sisters Lillian, Jane, Isabel, Anna and Mary.  Young George’s father is a veteran of the last war having spent 3 years with the Canadian 64th Battalion

     Many residents of Springhill will remember the Lysaght family who resided for many years on Chapel St.

Mother Receives Memorial Cross

Mrs. Roach McKay has received this week a beautiful Memorial Cross from the Minister of National Defense for Air, on behalf of the Government of Canada, in memory of her son, W.O.A.G., D. Archibald McKay of the Royal Canadian Air Force, killed in action.

     The Memorial, of sterling silver in oxidized finish, is in the form of the 8 pointed cross of Malta having on the upper arm a crown and on each of the other three arms a Maple Leaf bearing in the centre the Royal Monogram “G.R.” and superimposed upon a laurel wreath.  The lovely medal is suspended from a purple ribbon, and is given “In the memory of one who died in the service of his country.”

     Following is the letter which accompanied the Cross:

  1.         Halifax, N.S.

  2.         May 7, 1943

  3. Mrs. G.E.R. McKay

  4. Springhill, N.S.

  5. Dear Mrs. McKay:

  6. Under separate over and by registered mail, a Memorial Cross has been forwarded to you from the Chief of the Air Staff.

  7.      It is expected that you will wear this cross as a memorial to your loved one and as a witness to the people of Canada that you have given so much in your Country’s cause.  It is hoped also that others may be strengthened by the example of your fortitude. 

  8.      Again with this Cross you are asked to accept the sympathy and gratitude of the Royal Canadian Air Force. As well as my own personal sympathy as Command Chaplin, Protestant.  May God be your strength and stay.

  9.                                 E.H. Higgs, Squadron Leader

  10.                                 Command Chaplin, (P)

  11.                                 Eastern Air Command R.C.A.F.

  12.                                 Halifax, N.S.

A Real Thrill

“The thrill of a lifetime” Yes, that’s what Mrs. Kenneth McCormick experienced at the Amherst Motor Show Saturday evening when the announcer shouted her name across the Armouries floor as the winner of a $1,000 bond, first prize in the Motor Show raffle.  It looked like a cold sweat on her brow as her husband and friends led her to the stand to receive the big prize.  “How does it feel to win such a prize?” asked the announcer, but Mrs. McCormick was speechless with surprise and pleasure.

     Mrs. Jean McKay, who sold the lucky ticket, won a special $50.00 prize.  Mrs. McKay wasn’t speechless, but she sure was happy about it all.  “That $50.00 went right into a Victory Bond” said Mrs. McKay to the Record.

Your Watch Mr. Smith

     Seven years ago Ronald Smith lost his watch.  He had it when he reported at the Lamp Cabin but when he reached the 7400 the watch was gone.  Nothing was ever heard of the watch, but when Ronald called at the Post Office for his mail the other day he was handed a small box.  He opened it and there was his watch.  It was broken, but he had it repaired and today it is going as well as ever.  There was no name on the watch.

May 20, 1943Justice of the Peace

     Alfred G. Allbon, Town Clerk, was sworn in Wednesday morning by Miss Bessie Downey at Amherst as a Justice of the Peace.


     Cpl. Wyndham Heffernan has been promoted to A.C.Q.M.S., replacing Sheldon Betts who was recently promoted to 2nd Lieutenant in “D” Company.  Wyndham has been rendering valuable assistance in the stores department for some time and should be able to fill this important and responsible position to the satisfaction of his Company Commander.


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