The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

April 1st, 2015

Aug. 21, 1941Springhill Record Salute to Bravery

     It is felt that recognition should be made to the heroic efforts displayed in the rescue last week of Mr. George Haystead and daughter Betty, and Mr. Leon Thompson, of Oxford, when their sail-boat capsized at Heathers Beach, three quarters of a mile off shore, throwing them into the water during a gale.

Despite the high ways a number of boats put out, the first to reach the scene being two boys, James Newman of Springhill, and Ernest Adams, Springhill Junction

Mr. Haystead was holding to the mast, which was above water and supporting his little daughter with one hand.  The boys’ light skiff was bobbing about, but James went into the water fully clothed, even with his shoes and glasses, to get Betty and place her in the boat.  Meantime a second boat was brought up by Jack McCarthy and Carl Adams, Springhill.  (Cedric Welton also made an attempt, but owing to his recent illness, was unable to go out.)  The light boats were unable to make headway in the heavy waves.  A lobster fisherman whose name we have been unable to learn, completed the rescue by towing the boats to shore.  The situation was really fraught with imminent danger to all concerned but “all’s well that ends well.”

Not all heroes are sung.  A little story has come to our knowledge which should be told.  It happened after one of the recent big rains.  Arnold Smith is building a new house on Cowans Street, and excavation has been make for the concrete abutments.  The house is across the street from the present home and Billy, 6, and Dennis, 4, were playing about.  They were alone when Dennis slipped in the wet mud and fell into one of the holes.  Billy must have acted quickly as he lay down on his stomach and took hold of Dennis’ feet and got him out; then took him by the hand and led him home.  Later the depth of water was measured and found to be four feet deep. 

Oct. 2, 1941We Hear From Joe Henry

    The Editor has received a letter this week from C.S.M. Joe Henry. “Somewhere in England”, who writes:

  1. “On this autumn evening I saw a small group of soldiers, gather, quite by chance, in one of our Barrack Streets.  A passerby would have thought that something unusual was happening; but on coming closer he would have seen much handshaking and heard the sound of cheerful greetings.  Something was happening all right.  Some forty Canucks, all the way from a friendly little mining town called Springhill, in Nova Scotia, were renewing acquaintances.  It was like a Saturday morning after the meeting in the Miners’ Hall.  In the group were:

  2. Bob Lowe, Harold Moore, Alex Wilson, Ken Lowden, P.P. Melanson, “Fat” Lockhart, Lorne Weatherbee, Ed Chandler, Jim Megeney, “Doggie” Melanson, Fred Cormier, Monson Beaton, Ben Livingstone, Lawrence Gilroy, Fred Patterson, (Oxford), Jack Spence, Matt. McPherson, Oscar Lormier, Jerry Wood, Bob Terris, Walter Tower, Tom Blue, “Hanky” Bennett, Harry Taylor, George Beaton, Merrill Webb, Jim Hayes, Howard Spence, Jim Spence, Billy Wilson, Jack Sheepwash, Carl Tabor, Gerald Adams, Bob Adams, Bill Lowther, Art Noiles “Rabbit” Melanson, Fred Martin, Bill Mann, “Tic” Cameron, Carl Mooring, Harold Harrison, Ross McNutt, Joe Henry.

  3. “This is just a handful of Springhill’s contribution.  Tell the folks they are all fine.”

Police Court

Runs Berserk

Kenneth Abery, an artilleryman of Debert, who originally hailed from Toronto, ran berserk Sunday evening and molested people on the street.  He finally landed behind the bars and on Monday morning he appeared before Magistrate Lambert charged with intoxication, destroying property and resisting arrest.  It cost him $28.00 to settle and he had to stay in jail until Tuesday when his paymaster made a special trip from Debert to get him out.

Another Break

Only one break has been reported during the past week, at the home of Mr. And Mrs. Jack Matthews, McFarlane Street.  This happened on Thursday evening before nine o’clock.  Mr. and Mrs. Matthews returned home early only to find that their home had been ransacked.  The thieves first entered through the cellar but found the door locked leading upstairs.  They then pried open a window and entered, rifling every drawer.  Two watches and a small sum of money were missing.  Departing, the thieves took the cellar key with them. 

The same evening, Mrs. Margaret Hyslop, Mechanic Street, drove into her yard about ten o’clock only in time to frighten away parties trying her back door. 

To date there has been very little evidence left behind but the Police Department is working hard on the case and are hopeful of results before long.  In the meantime citizens should give the police every assistance in tracking down these petty thieves.


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