The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

December 23rd, 2015

Oct. 23, 1943Springhill RecordStudents Return To Their Studies

     Once again our boys and girls have gone out – some for the first time – to the various centres of learning  and already have taken up their work.  Following are the names as they have been received.  We wish them all success in their studies and a pleasant year.

Mount Allison University:
Edward Simpson, Jack Allbon, Donald Stonehouse, Ruth Paul, Beatrice Simpson

Mount Allison Home Economics: Joan Wilson

Mount Allison Commercial: Dorothy Canning, Helenbelle Blenkhorn

Mount Allison School for Girls: Marilyn Simpson

Dalhousie University: Edwin Fraser, Arthur Saffron

Acadia University: William Scott, Donald Martin, Jean Swift, Shirley Canning, Ruth Canning, Frances Scott

St. Mary’s College: Jerry Mackey, Ronald Johnson, Ralph Maddison

Horton (Commercial): Darlene Smith

Grade X11 Parrsboro: Jean Weatherbee

Success Business College, Moncton: Marion Austin, Marie Choisnet, Arlene Fraser, Logan Leslie

St. Charles Commercial, Amherst: Dorothy Fowler, Dorothy Gilroy, Eleanor Taylor

School for the Blind: Roy Howard

School for the Deaf: Olga Powell, Joseph Babineau

Toronto University: Roy Munroe

Mount St. Vincent: Berthold Mackey

Netherwood School for Girls: Jean Simpson

King’s Collegiate: William Haystead

Rothesay: James Newman, Donald Wilkinson

Provincial Normal College: Annette McCormick, Dorothy McAloney

Got Theirs Curled Free: 

     Gloria Pettigrew, Bessie and Barbara Canning had a thrilling experience recently while on their way home from school, when a big moose came out of the woods and stood looking at them.  The girls did their best to crawl into a culvert, while their hair curled from fright.  A few minutes later the moose wandered across the road and into the woods at Dave Hunter’s.

Oct. 8, 1942 Oxford Journal Cpl. McWhirter Transferred

Springhill Oct. 1Corporal A.G.M. McWhirter, R.C.M.P., who has been stationed here for the past four years, is to be transferred to Port Hawkesbury, C.B.  At the present time he and Mrs. McWhirter are vacationing in Quebec.

Mother, Daughter Die Same Day

Springhill Sept. 30 – A mother, daughter of one family were called by death within a few hours of each other today.  They were Mrs. John Anderson, age 79, and Mrs. Archie Chandler, age 59.  The former was the widow of John Anderson who died about a year ago.  She is survived by three daughters: Miss Margaret Anderson, in Boston; Mrs. Clarence Melanson and Mrs. Herbert Smith, Springhill and one son John at home. 

     Mrs. Chandler, who was prominent in Rebekah Sisters, is survived by her husband Major A.E. Chandler of Halifax and two sons Armourer Sergeant Edward Chandler and Lieut. Jack Chandler, both overseas.

Oct. 8, 1942Four Injured in Springhill Mines

Springhill Oct. 6 – Four miners were injured in No. 4 Colliery last night by accidents in different sections of the mine.  Douglas Terris was badly squeezed about the body when he was caught between two boxes.  Andrew Pozce had his leg broken, Millard Skidmore had his leg injured and John Reedy was badly bruised.  All men were admitted to All Saints Hospital.

Apr. 1, 1943 Maple Syrup Production is Held Up

Springhill Mar. 30 – The production of maple syrup and sugar in this vicinity is halted pending a reply from the Wartime Prices and Trade Board.  This was decided at a meeting last night in Mayor Mason’s office, where 18 producers were present.  They stated all syrup produced in the vicinity is all one grade, “the best”, therefore the graduated prices laid down by the Board were not satisfactory.  It was agreed that there was no grading station and under the ruling syrup would have to be sold ungraded for a price of two dollars per gallon.  It was also pointed out that wages this year had advanced 50 to 75 cents per day and cans had advanced  four dollars per hundred. 

     Hon. J.A. McDonald, Minister of Agriculture, was contacted last night and stated he had not been consulted on the matter by the Price Board.  The meeting decided they would not sell for less than three dollars per gallon for syrup, 35 cents for sugar and 40 cents for cream sugar and if priced were not approved they would no produce.

     It was stated producers had offers to produce at $3.25 per gallon.  A telegram was sent to Hon. J.L. Ilsley, Minister of Finance asking that a revision be made in Nova Scotia prices and a copy sent to Hon. J.A. McDonald, in Halifax.  In the meantime no maple products will be offered for sale.


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