The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

June 17th, 2015

Oct. 8, 1942Springhill Record Boys and Girls Off To College

     The usual exodus of Springhill boys and girls to various centres of learning has been going on quietly and all are now nicely settled.  We are pleased to note the following and extend to them our best wishes:

     Mount Allison UniversityRuth Paul, Edward Simpson, Jack Allbon, Donald Stonehouse, Donald Thompson (Commercial), Olive Comeau (Commercial) and Grace Fawcett (Commercial).

     Dalhousie University: Carl Adams, Edwin Fraser and Arthur Saffron

     Acadia UniversityVincent Rushton, Gladys Elliott, Jean Swift, William Scott, Donald Martin, Shirley Canning, Ruth Canning

     Toronto University: Roy Monroe

     King’s Collegiate: Archie Mason

     Horton Academy: Raymond Smith, Ola Cole

     St. Mary’s: Jerry Mackey, Ronald Johnson, Ralph Maddison

     Mount St. Bernard Convent: Berthold Mackey

     Provincial Normal College: Nita Fenton

     Netherwood School for Girls: Beatrice Simpson, Jean Simpson

     Grade X11: Olive Harris (Oxford), Dorothy McAloney (Parrsboro)

     St. Charles Commercial: Joan McPherson, Betty Older

     Success Business College in Truro: Alma Jones

     Boston: Dorothy Wilson

     School for the Blind:  Roy Howard

     School for the Deaf: Joseph Babineau, Olga Powell

Oct. 15, 1942Springhill Girls to War Work

     The following Springhill girls left last week for Brownsburg, Que. To go into war work in one of the factories.  Friends at home will wish them all the best of luck and cheer them on their way:  Marjorie Adams, Emily Brine, Yola Condy, Margaret Davies, Beatrice Gilroy, Norma Halvorson, Noreen Martin, Bessie MacDonald, Effie McNeil. Rhoda Nelson, Dorothy Noiles, Gladys Payne, Audrey Spence, Helen Spence, Marjorie Spence.

With the Kids Away

     The following names are to be added to the list, published last week, of Springhill boys and girls away at School and College:

     Acadia University: Allister Strickland

     St. Charles Commercial School:  Mona Best

     School for the Deaf, Halifax: Frances and Darlene Powell, bringing the number to date to forty.

     A number are away teaching Upwards of twenty girls left last week for Montreal to enter upon essential war work, while many scores of our boys (of approximately 800 local enlistments) are in the various armed services.  We miss them from our midst but we are proud of them all and “Some day, they’re coming home again!”

Fatally Injured in No. 4

     Freeman Stevens, haulage engine driver was accidently struck by a trip at the 5,700 bottom of No. 4 mine Tuesday morning, at 7:25, receiving fatal injuries, to which he succumbed almost immediately.  The flag at half-mast on Miners’ Hall is the symbol of yet another worker added to the long list of those who have yielded up their life in the depths of the mine, in their course of duty.  A quiet man, Mr. Stevens had the respect of all who knew him, and the sympathy of the community goes out to his bereaved family. 

     The late Mr. Stevens was 48 years of age.  He was married and leaves a widow and family of three sons and one daughter; also his mother and several brothers and sisters.  Frank Stevens of Springhill is a brother.

     The funeral, according to present arrangements will be held tomorrow (Friday afternoon) from the home, Church St.  Following a private service at 1:30 he will be taken to his former home in Millvale for internment.  Rev. Dr. H.T.S. Gornall of the Wesley United Church will conduct the service.

Deer Disappears

     You don’t have to go far to hear some good deer stories, but the one that Bill Lormier tells is not bad.  Bill’s particularly good on fish yarns, but the other morning when he walked into the office this was the dialogue:

Editor – “What happened to that roast of deer meat, Bill?”

     There was a silence for a moment as he looked the Editor in the eye and wondered just how far he dared go.  And then “Oh I got my deer alright – but it was stolen.”

     There was a questioning look as the Editor raised his eyebrows. “Stolen?” he queried.  You see you have to know Bill – know not to take him too literally when he get yarning – not that he would deliberately tell you a lie – but he would lead you astray.

     “Yes, stolen” said Bill “You see it was this way.  I had a nice one hung right up in the barn dressed when I was called out on a job.  When I returned I found that my man had left the barn door open and I’m darned if that deer didn’t take advantage of that open door and disappear.”

     That’s why we are still waiting for our roast of deer meat.


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