The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

November 18th, 2015

June 17, 1943 Springhill RecordFind Body of Springhill Man

Barrie, Ont. June 11 (CP)

     The body of Cpl. John I. Stone of Springhill, N.S., a member of the Halifax Rifles at Camp Borden, Ont., was found on the shores of Kempenfeldt Bay.  Cpl. Stone had last been seen at Barrie May 7.  His widow and child live in Springhill.

     Better known as “Joe” Stone he was the son of Mrs. Verne Stewart, Springhill Jct., and well known here particularly in Church League circles, having been a former member of the Wesley Hockey team.  News of his death has been received with regret.  The fact that details are lacking make the situation the more distressing.  It is understood the body will arrive at Springhill Junction this afternoon (Thursday but it is unknown what funeral arrangements have been made.

Town Adopts Name Ship

     Springhill will fall in line with other provincial towns in the matter of looking after its name ship, beginning with a meeting in the Town Hall tomorrow (Friday) evening at 7:30.  Mayor Mason is anxious to meet with interested citizens and representatives of all local societies to discuss proposals for a permanent committee, to take necessary action toward providing a suitable gift to be presented to the Frigate H.M.C.S. “Springhill” and her crew.

     Provincial towns are already vying with each other.  The New Glasgow Ladies’ Music Club, at a recent concert raised $50.00 which will be used for the purchase of gramophone records for the men of the Frigate H.M.C.S. “New Glasgow”.  The minesweeper H.M.C.S. “Kentville” received $100.00 for comforts a few days ago, the proceeds of a concert given by school children.  The H.M.C.S. “Kentville” is promised a super donation soon from the proceeds of the Apple Blossom FestivalYarmouth has adopted H.M.C.S. “Chebogue”, now being built and plans are being made to raise money for suitable gifts.

     We have every confidence that Springhill people will respond in a manner appropriate to the honor of the ship and the town itself.  Don’t forget the date of the meeting, tomorrow night in the Town Hall.

Lay Hospital Cornerstone

     Plans have now been finalized for All Saints’ new hospital and the laying of the cornerstone will take place at an appropriate ceremony to be held June 28, the anniversary date of that of the first hospital.  Construction will begin immediately.  The new hospital will be a two storey building.  It will be built to the rear of the present building, with which it will be connected, facing south on the street off Princess (Hospital) Street.  The need for a new hospital and greater nursing facilities has become acute and it is a matter of great satisfaction that the work can now be undertaken.

Vincent V. Rushton Will Go to India

     Lic. Vincent Vernon Rushton, who received his Bachelor of Arts degree this year from Acadia University has been accepted by the Canadian Baptist Foreign Mission Board as a Missionary to India.  For the present he is to be pastor of the Baptist Church at Billtown, N.S., while continuing his studies at Acadia; and his marriage to Miss Jean Quigg, of Woodstock, N.B., will take place next week.  He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Rushton, Springhill and received his religious training in the United Baptist Church here, having been particularly active in the young people’s work of the church.

He will have the best wishes of his many friends at home.

June 24, 1943Move to Change Business Hours

     At a well-represented meeting of businessmen in the Town Hall, Tuesday evening, it was decided by a vote of 16 to 2 to change store hours throughout the town.  Under the new proposal stores will close at the regular hours on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, remaining open until 10 p.m. on Saturday, but CLOSING ALL DAY WEDNESDAY.  As a considerable number failed to vote either for or against the motion, it was later decided that a petition should be circulated among all the stores so that a more definite decision may be reached.  When the petition has made the rounds, the motion and the names of those for and against the resolution, will be forwarded to the Wartime Prices and Trade Board for their information and action.

Open Wednesday June 30th

As Thursday, July 1 is a statutory holiday, the merchants decided they would remain open until 6 p.m. on Wednesday, June 30th.

Select Officers

     As the Association had not met for some time, it was decided that officers should be elected for the ensuing term.  Following is the slate of officers who will hold office until the end of the year:

ChairmanD.M. Smith – re-elected

SecretaryWallace Hannah

ExecutiveL.B. Herrett; Wm. C. Wilson and John Smith


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