The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

May 13th, 2015

Apr. 2, 1942Springhill RecordHands Across the Sea

     Mrs. Rufus Johnson had the very happy experience, last Saturday, from Seaman W.J. Stretch, of the Royal Navy, whose home is in Liverpool, England.  The pleasure was mutual.  Liverpool is Mrs. Johnson’s former home and she was there on a visit, on the outbreak of war.  Her visitor therefore, was able to tell her a great deal of what has since happened.

     Mr. Stretch’s visit in town was the result of an interesting set of circumstances.  About a year ago two of our local men, Norman Turnbull and Walter Johnson, met a couple of soldiers who were strangers in town.  They invited them to their homes and entertained them for the remainder of their visit.  The boys came back and others with them, a total of eight in all, four soldiers and four airmen, “adopting the two homes” and spending their leave here in town.  This past week-end provided a sequel when three British men W.J. Stretch, Harry Walker and Leonard Plumber presented their “credentials.”  One of the formers guest, a boy from the West, meeting up with the boys at an English Service Club, gave them a bit of advice.  “When you get to Canada” he said “be sure to go to Springhill to Mrs. Turnbull’s and Mrs. Johnson’s, they will look after you.”  Needless to say they were made welcome.  Already letters of thanks and appreciation have been received – and the boys will be back again.

May 7, 1942Bandstand Improved; Water Fountain to Be Installed

     There has been much activity around the bandstand during the last couple of weeks as Supt. Dan Davis, ex-Chief Wm. Mont and Ronald and Raymond Davis were busy planting 17 maple trees carefully selected from the surrounding woods.  A real effort will be made this summer to keep this corner lot in first class shape. To improve the appearance, a concrete walk will be laid from the sidewalk to the stand and a drinking fountain will be installed near the sidewalk.  Money for the fountain was raised by Mr. Davis in a one-man canvass this week and the fountain has been ordered.  Those contributing to the cost of the fountain were D. Davis, The Record, H. McSavaney, L.B. Herrett, James Ryan, M. Saffron, S. Hunter, S.G. Russell, W. Heffernan, Wallace Hannah, John Leslie, Holly Brown, Wm. Wilson, Louis Saffron, H.S. Terris, Wm. Harroun, S.H. Eisner, H.N. Soley, Newman Bros., G.H. Haystead, Casey’s Lunch, Ideal Dry Cleaners, Hance Hunter, J. Demetri, W.H. Murray, Alex and Mary Wilson, D. M. Smith

     In addition, the flagstaff has been painted and a new rope added, the latter a present from George H. Haystead.

     Let’s carry this good work into all corners of the town.  Let each try to make his place the envy of his neighbor and within a very short time we will all be more proud of this coal mining town.

     In the meantime, Supt. Davis and his helpers are to be commended in their efforts to beautify the corner.  Perhaps later, someone will donate enough money to paint the bandstand, where a concert will be held on May 24th.

May 21, 1942 New Rex Café Opens

     Springhill’s newest restaurant, the Rex Café, opened for business on Tuesday in the Shenton Block, opposite the Royal Bank, and enjoyed a stimulating run of business.

     The café is modernly equipped and pleasant in appearance.  The newly installed booths with a seating capacity of 44, are of natural varnished wood and blend nicely with the two-toned Ten-Test wall and ceiling finish, and the auxiliary fixtures, lending a clean and wholesome appearance to the whole. Non-glare lighting adds a further modern touch. 

     The café is operated by Sam and Loy Wong, who have both had over 25 years’ experience in the restaurant business. The former spent the greater part of his life in Upper Canada, being engaged in some of the finest cafes in Toronto and vicinity.  Loy Wong is from Sydney, N.S., where he too was interested in the restaurant trade.

     Skillfully prepared dinners and lunches will be prepared from the modernly equipped kitchen, where carefulness and cleanliness are the watchwords.  Sundaes, soda and cold drinks are served from the fountain and cigarettes, chocolate bars and sundries are on display.  The café will be open daily from 9 a.m. to 1 a.m. the following morning.

June 4, 1942 Police Court

Police Have Busy Time

     Having the occasion Tuesday to visit the Town Hall just after 10 a.m., we ran into a parade in front of the Magistrate’s office.  Enquiry elicited the information that many of the boys had been out the night before on a spree.  There were eight in the party and the Chief informed your reporter that five others had appeared Monday morning.  There did appear to be a droop in the Magistrate’s shoulders as the last man stepped up with the remark “Last, but not least.”  “10.00 and cost” mumbled the Magistrate in parrot fashion, as he leaned back in his chair.  Two cases were handled by the R.C.M.P. and eleven by the local police.


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