About the Springhill Heritage Group
The Springhill Heritage Group consists of volunteer citizens who are dedicated to the acquisition, preservation and dissemination of information on the history of Springhill and area.
Concerned with the lack of local published history and the loss of the town's civic and school records by fire, the original members held their first meeting in February, 1987. Officers were elected and in September of 1989 the membership received a Certificate of Incorporation under the name of "Springhill Heritage Group". The Springhill Heritage Group is a registered society with the Nova Scotia Registry of Joint Stocks: #1969388.
The Springhill Heritage Group has involved itself in various activities, including a genealogy workshop, historical displays at the Library, historical brochures, book publishing, floats, presentations to school classes, museum day with live demonstrations of wood carving, wood work, basket work, painting, pottery.
The Springhill Heritage Group maintains document files, photographic files, artifacts collection, newspaper collection, and other historical resources. It has ongoing projects involving historical displays, family history, biographies, nicknames, death dates, book indexing, etc.
NEW: Storytelling Night every third Wednesday of the month!
The group is pleased to welcome visitors and new members! We hold meetings on the first Tuesday of each month (except July and August) in the new Isabel Simpson Heritage Centre (the former CR&C Co's Nurses Dressing Station) located at 26 Memorial Drive, Springhill, NS, beginning at 1:30pm.
2011-2012 EXECUTIVE:
President: Don Tabor
Vice-President: Russell Fisher
Treasurer: Pat Crowe
Secretary: Linda Scott
Contact us: Springhill.Heritage@gmail.com
The Springhill Heritage Group
P.O. Box 240 B
Springhill, N.S., B0M 1X0, Canada