The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

April 22nd, 2015

Oct. 16, 1941- Springhill Record

Czechoslovakian Recruiting Officer Visits Springhill

     Flight Lieutenant Ing Antonin Brejcha of the Czechoslovak Military Mission, was in town Friday and Saturday recruiting for the Czechoslovak forces.  Friday evening he addressed a gathering of some twenty men at the home of Mr. Albert Weaver where he met with a spontaneous welcome.  Few of his fellow countrymen here are of military age and some are already in some branch of the Canadian fighting forces.

Visits Record Office

     Saturday Lieut. Brejcha, accompanied by Mr. Weaver and his son, paid a visit to the Record Office.  The visitor was able to speak very good English and told the Record of the high morale that existed in England and of the determination of the British people to beat Hitler and free the people of Europe from Nazi rule and persecution.

     Lieut. Brejcha, a fine big strapping lad of 28 or 30 years, with a healthy glow in his cheeks, was on active service in England with his squadron when he was ordered to join the Mission to Canada and seek recruits for the Czech forces. He thinks that this is such a big country that one could never see it all, although he has travelled considerably since he arrived here. He likes Canada and the Canadian people.  While he would not talk about himself, he admitted his squadron “in three weeks” fighting over Britain had knocked down 37-1/2 German planes.  The half, in case you do not understand, is credited when two squadrons claim the honor.  In that case the point is split.

     In civil life the young man was a traffic engineer.  He had been flying for eleven years and had been in the army for two years.  He fought in Poland, where he was captured by the Russians.  He escaped to France and when France fell he escaped to Romania where he was again captured.  Again he was successful in escaping his captures and made his way to Bucharest, Yugoslavia and Greece.  When Greece fell he moved into Turkey, then Syria, Palestine and Egypt.  He was finally successful in joining the Czechs in France and finally, escaped by boat to England, where he joined the Czech Air Force.  There was a bright sparkle in his eye as he told of the wonderful work being done in defense of Britain; of the high courage of the English men and women, and of their determination to save democracy and restore freedom to the people of Europe. 

     Speaking of an invasion of Europe by England, the visitor told of the powerful defenses erected along the coastline by the Germans, but he had a plan of his own to break down this defense and who knows, the ideas this young man advanced may yet prove to be a stroke of genius.

     During our conversation we had an opportunity to study our visitor and came to the conclusion that if the Czechoslovak fighting forces have plenty of men of his type they will bring credit to the Allies in the days that lie ahead. 

     As to the success of Lieut. Brejcha’s mission both here and in Canada that is a military secret, but on the whole he seemed quite pleased with the response he received among his people in Canada.

Creighton Lowther German Prisoner 

     Creighton Lowther is alive and a prisoner in Germany, according to word received this morning by his father, Lester Lowther.  Creighton’s host of friends will be glad to hear that he is safe.

Nov. 20, 1941 Newsboys Organize

     At a meeting in the Record Office Tuesday evening, the newsboys organized and elected as their President, Stanley Pashkoski and as Secretary Leamond Hunter.

     The aim of the boys is to make their work a little easier by having their customers paying for the Record when it is delivered or in advance so they won’t have to make several calls to earn the cent they are paid for selling the paper.  The boys have decided among themselves that they will leave no papers on credit in future.  This policy will give the boys a good return for their work and ensure better service for our customers.

     We urge our readers to help the boys all they can.

Struck Deer

     A rather serious accident occurred early Sunday evening on the Valley Road.  A car owned and driven by Arthur Mullaly, accompanied by Albert Sumara, Miss Mary Gilroy and Mrs. Margaret Rushton, was proceeding to Oxford when a deer ran out in front.  The car skidded on the wet pavement as the brake was applied; turning completely over and pinning the occupants in the car. 

     Passing motorist rushed the occupants to All Saints Hospital where they were treated for severe cuts and bruises as well as shock.  All are recovering.  The car was badly damaged.  It is understood that the deer was struck and injured and it had to be destroyed


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