The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

March 4th, 2015

July 17, 1941 Springhill RecordF.R. Gough Celebrates 19th Anniversary

Business Grows From Small Store into Finest One-Stop Business

     “The surest way to success is hard work and being always on the job,” said Fred Gough to The Record this week, on the occasion of his nineteenth anniversary in business.

     Joining Mr. Gough in the celebrating of his anniversary are a number of firms with whom he has been doing business, many of them continuously since he opened his first small store, in 1922, just alongside the up–to–date grocery and service station that he operates today.

     In celebration of his 19th anniversary, The Record has cooperated with Mr. Gough in the preparation of this special section, which we recommend to your attention.

Came here in 1922

     Fred Gough, accompanied by Mrs. Gough, came to Springhill back in 1922 from Halifax, where Mr. Gough had been employed with a prominent oil company.  His first small venture was in the grocery trade which he carried on until 1928 when he installed his first gas tank.  Business was good, and two years later, in 1930, with business steadily improving, he saw the value of the McGee – Herrett Rd. corner as the ideal location for an up–to–date service station and grocery store.  He immediately went to work and erected one of the most attractive Service Stations we have in town today.  Its attractive style; its white and blue and red paint; its large windows in the grocery section; its fluorescent lights; its modern gasoline tanks – and the excellent service that goes with it combine to give the public the service they so much needed at the western outlet or inlet to the town.

     Business continued to expand and in 1940 a soda fountain was also added to their services.  Because of the hundreds of cars passing his location daily in 1941 he decided to add a modern lunch room and ice cream parlor which attracted both local and transient trade.  With the addition of the lunch counter it made this station one of the foremost “One-Stop” stations in the Maritime Provinces and almost daily Mr. And Mrs. Gough are the recipients of many complimentary remarks from tourist who are visiting the province for the first time and who above all else demand cleanliness in the surroundings where they stop.

July 31, 1941 School Under Repairs; Edith Rushton Placed

     A report from the Commissioner R. McKay at the monthly meeting of the School Board on Tuesday evening was given and it was noted that extensive repairs including painting are being made to the Junction Rd. School, while plans are being formulated to make repairs to the schools in preparation of the opening of the schools for the term in September.

     Reports from Supervisor Boran respecting the grading results, as well as the regular monthly report was placed before the Board, and it was noted in the former report the percentage of passes for the past term was 92.5%.

     Supervisor Boran, who was present at the meeting, discussed fully the list presented for the Assignment of Teachers for the coming term.  A number of changes were made as well as the placing of the new members of the staff to their respective rooms.  The Board decided to place the matter in the hands of the Teachers’ Committee for their ratification.

     The application from Miss Gladys McPherson, Music Teacher, for a salary in line with the salary of a “B” teacher was again introduced and the Board ruled that Miss McPherson be given the increase as outlined in the 1941 estimates of $100 but they could not at the present time accede to her request. 

     The Board ruled that the new school term opened on September 2, and that pupils be notified through the local press.

     Commissioner H.N. Soley, acted as Chairman, with Commissioners R. McKay and Cecil Carde in attendance.

     At a special meeting of the Board recently Miss Edith Rushton was appointed to the teaching staff.

Aug. 14, 1941 Two Children Are Injured

     Two children were admitted to All Saints Hospital during the weekend, suffering severe injuries. 

    Bobby Ricker, five year old son of Mrs. Herbert Atkinson and Mr. Atkinson, was badly injured here Saturday afternoon when he ran into the side of a car driven by Arthur Mallay. The accident occurred on Main St. in front of Selrite Store.  He was knocked heavily to the pavement and suffered severe head and facial injuries.  He was removed to All Saints Hospital where he was attended, and has since been removed to his home.

     On Monday afternoon, little Graham King, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henderson King, of Collingwood, was rushed to All Saints Hospital after being struck by a car said to have been driven by Winston Bragg.  The child suffered a serious head injury and his condition is still grave.  


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