The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

November 4th, 2015

Aug. 11, 1938 Oxford Journal Child Dies When Struck By Truck

Springhill Aug. 7 – Tragedy entered the home of Mr. & Mrs. Robert Howard, Saturday, when their 11 year old son Jack was fatally injured by a truck on the Black River Road.  The bright young fellow had gone to what is known as the Iron Bridge swimming hole in a car.  He got out of the car, ran around the back of it and stepped directly in front of the truck driven by Ray Weatherbee.

     He was rushed to All Saints Hospital but passed away before reaching the institution.

     Constable McWhirter of the R.C.M.P. and Chief of Police Mont investigated.  Today it was stated that an inquest would not be held.

Jan. 25, 1940J.O. Fairbanks, LLB, named Customs Collector at Springhill

Springhill Jan. 19Mr. James O. Fairbanks, LLB, has been appointed Sub Collector of Customs at Springhill.  Mr. Fairbanks came to Springhill some three years ago from Liverpool and practiced law here.  Early in 1938 he removed to Annapolis but soon returned to resume his practice. He is retained as Town Solicitor and it is understood he has been given permission to continue his law practice in any idle moments he may have.  The position was left open through the transfer of Mr. Charles W. Wilson to the position of Chief Clerk in the Customs Department in Sydney.

May 23, 1940 Decision Reserved in Rate Hearing

Springhill May 16The Board of Public Utilities met here today dealing with a continuation of the appraisal of the Edison Electric Light & Power Company.  The citizens asked for a reduction in light rates and an appraisal was necessary.  The citizens gained the initial victory when the appraisal was reduced by $50,000.  Chairman J.A. Hanway presided; C.B.  Smith, K.C.; Manager J.B. Hayes and Treasurer Mitchell represented the Edison Company.  Kay & Levett, the engineers; Major John C. Roper, K.C.; the town and Mr. Black, K.C., the town of Oxford.  Decision was reserved.

May 23, 1940 Mrs. Elmer Hyatt

Springhill May 17 – The town was shocked this morning to learn of the passing of Mrs. Elmer Hyatt, at her home, following an illness of a few hours.  The deceased attended the theatre yesterday and was in her usual health until 11:45 p.m. when she was stricken with a paralytic stroke.  Despite all medical attention could do, she passed away at 8:30 this morning.  Besides her husband, who is proprietor of the towns leading restaurant, she is survived by one son Lloyd at home.  The funeral will be held on Sunday.

May 23, 1940 Boy Tied In Sack, Placed on Road

Springhill May 20 – Keen eyes of a motorist on Junction Road helped avert a tragedy, Mayor Wilson told Town Council as he related one of the strangest tales heard at the Council Board in many moons.  Mayor Wilson said he had been informed a motorist was proceeding on the Junction Road when he suddenly noticed a large bundle in the middle of the road.  The motorist decided to stop and remove the obstruction.  When he investigated he discovered “the bundle” was a small boy who had been tied in a sack and placed in the road by some playmates.  It was part of some “game” inspired by a movie thriller.  The motorist released the lad who hurried home.

July 17, 1941 Athlete Injured

Springhill July 14James “Hank” O’Rourke, well known baseball star, is a patient at All Saints Hospital with a 50-50 chance of recovery, having received a head injury in the No. 2 mine this morning.  He was struck with a piece of hardwood pack-wood, three feet long and five inches thick, which fractured his skull and caused a concussion.  He was conscious when taken to the hospital and an operation was performed this afternoon to relieve the pressure.

Oct. 30, 1941Buy Fire Truck

Springhill Oct. 26 – A special meeting of Town Council was held Friday night to consider the purchase of a truck for the Fire Department.  The Council decided to buy a 2 ½ ton truck chassis from Letcher’s Garage and have the body of the present chemical engine added to it.  The purchase was necessary because new tires could not be purchased for the chemical truck which is 20 years old.

Soldier Admits 13 Housebreaks at Springhill

Springhill Oct. 27 – Peter Walters, 27, R.C.A. of Pembroke, Ont. And native of this town was committed to stand trial by Magistrate Hugh Lambert, here today, after Police Chief Ivan Buchanan told the court the accused had admitted breaking into 13 homes in Springhill.  Police Chief said Walters had taken him around town Saturday, after he had given his statement, showing the residences he had burglarized.  The Artilleryman, according to Police, is also being sought by Army authorities for being A.W.O.L. from his unit.

Apr. 2, 1942In the News 20 Years Ago 

Apr. 6, 1922Charlie Paul, outstanding baseball pitcher from Springhill, has been released by the Boston Braves following the recovery of their star pitcher.

Aug. 20, 1942In the News 20 Years Ago

Aug. 17, 1922 – All coal mines throughout the Province, at Glace Bay, New Waterford, Sydney Mines, Stellerton, Westville, Springhill and Joggins, have been idle since Monday when the mines went out on strike.


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