The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

October 28th, 2015

June 10, 1943Springhill RecordH.M.C.S. “Springhill” To Be Launched Soon

     Citizens will be pleased to learn that one of the new Canadian Frigates has been named the H.M.C.S. “Springhill” in honor of our town.  The new type of fighting craft, which revives the name of the old British fighting ships, is somewhat heavier and better armed than a Corvette and will carry a larger crew.  It is classed as “between a Corvette and a Destroyer.”  An effort will be made to have a representative of Springhill for the launching ceremony which will take place on the West Coast.

     In accordance with the usual custom the ship will be “adopted” by the town, which opens up a new and interesting avenue for our already extensive participation in the war, with our hundreds of boys enlisted, including a number in the Navy.  Needless to say we are proud of the honor and an effort will be made towards an organized plan for accepting it in a proper spirit of appreciation. 

     The following letter to Mayor A.J. Mason, from Naval Minister A.L. MacDonald is self-explanatory:

  1.    Ottawa June 4, 1943

  2. His Worship the Mayor,

  3. Springhill, N.S.

  4. Dear Mr. Mayor:

  5.      As you are probably aware, it is the custom of all Navies to give to certain classes of ships the names of certain persons, places or objects.  For example, in the British Navy, cruisers are called after counties or larger cities and in the United States Navy, battleships are called after the States of the Union.

  6.      Following this custom, the Canadian Navy some time ago decided to call Corvettes and Minesweepers after cities and towns in Canada.  The Frigate H.M.C.S. “Springhill”

  7. Has been named after your town.

  8.      Many communities which have had ships named after them have undertaken to supply to the crew of the ship comforts which are not supplied by the Department.  For example, some towns have given a ship’s bell, books, magazines, extra clothing such as sweaters, mittens and the like.  Some towns have given a bit of silver plate for the mess; others have given a washing machine or radio, for the use of the officers and crew.  Many citizens have not confined themselves to one form of gift, but have given a great many gifts.  Thus, in some places, the women of the city or town have handed themselves together and provided articles of clothing.  A club in the city might give a radio; the City Council a bit of plate, etc.

  9.      The idea of having the ship adopted by the city or town after which they are named has been found to be very advantageous in keeping up the morale of ships’ crews, as well in giving the citizens of the community concerned the opportunity to give expression to their desire to help in the winning of the war.

  10.      I should be glad to know if your community or organization in the community would consider adopting the Frigate H.M.C.S. “Springhill.”

  11. Yours very truly,

  12.     A.L. MacDonald

Child Seriously Burned

     Little Bonheur Casey, 7, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Harold Casey, Athol Road, is in All Saints Hospital suffering from serious burns as a result of an accident, Saturday evening.  Mr. and Mrs. Casey were absent for a short time and the children were playing outside.  Mrs. Casey had taken the precaution of letting the fire go out as a measure of safety.  The weather having become chilly, Bonheur went indoors, and eventually decided to build a fire, when her little dress caught.  She ran out to the road in flames.  Rhodes Letcher, seeing the plight of the child, stopped his car and ran to her, extinguishing the flames.  She was rushed to the hospital by Mr. Joseph Letcher with Misses Gladys and Dorothy Hollis attending her.  Burns on her right arm and side are severe.  At latest report she was resting a little more comfortably.  Mr. Letcher received some painful, but superficial burns on his hands.

We Hear From Boys Overseas

    Mrs. Garnet Finley has received a cablegram from her husband Pte. Finley, telling of his safe arrival overseas.

     Mrs. Ronald Boss has received word from her husband Tpr. R.R. Boss of his safe arrival overseas.

     Mrs. Arnold Young has received word that her husband AC 2 Arnold Young, R.C.A.F., has arrived safely in Newfoundland.


    Miss Elizabeth Anderson, daughter of Postmaster and Mrs. David Anderson, graduate of the Saint John General Hospital, has graduated in the Public Health Course from Toronto University School of Nursing.  She will spend a few weeks at home before returning to Saint John where she will take up a position at the Public Health Centre


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