The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

October 7th, 2015

May 20, 1943Springhill RecordSchool Board Appointments

     Mr. M.R. Anderson presided over a recent meeting of the School Board when a number of changes were effected into the teaching staff.

     The resignation of Miss Lois Potter was accepted by the Board with regret.  Mr. Leonard Prentice was appointed Principal of the Elgin Street School and Miss Lillian Matthews was added to the staff of the Grade V111 teachers.  Miss Eleanor Strong was appointed to the staff.  These appointments will take effect at the beginning of the new school year.

     Added to the teaching staff were Miss Eleanor Strong and Miss Sally Davidson.  To the list of substitutes was added the names of Miss Doreen Vickery and Miss Nita Fenton.

     Commissioner Mason told the Board of the need of extensive repairs to the Junction Road School and suggested that attention should be directed to one school each year.  It was decided by the Board that major improvements be effected in the Junction Road School this year.

Springhill Girls in the Services

     Springhill has every right to be proud of the Springhill girls enlisted in the Women’s Division in the Canadian Army and the Canadian Air Force.  We are publishing a tentative list today, and trust it is complete to date.  All are engaged in, or training for important work and are to be highly commended.  The names are as follows:

  1. Pte. Marjorie Adams, C.W.A.C.

  2. Pte. Daisy (Lees) Adams, C.W.A.C.

  3. Pte. Margaret Arseneau, C.W.A.C.

  4. Pte. Minerva Boran, C.W.A.C. (leaves in June)

  5. Pte. Margaret Boran, C.W.A.C.

  6. Lt. Cpl. Evelyn Boss, C.W.A.C.

  7. AW Betty Bell, R.C.A.F., W.D.

  8. Cpl. Joyce Creed, R.C.A.F., W.D.

  9. Pte. Avis Cox, (RCOC) C.W.A.C.

  10. Pte. Muriel Casey, C.W.A.C.

  11. Pte. Margaret Cole, C.W.A.C.

  12. Pte. Bessie Mae Gabriel, C.W.A.C.

  13. Pte. Norma Halvorsen, C.W.A.C.

  14. Pte. Marjorie E. Horne, C.W.A.C.

  15. AW. Marjorie Joseph, C.W.A.C.

  16. Pte. Ruth Jewkes, C.W.A.C.

  17. Pte. Genevieve Lees, C.W.A.C.

  18. Pte. Dolly Letcher, C.W.A.C.

  19. Pte. Beatrice Mason, C.W.A.C.

  20. LAW Ethel Maddison, R.C.A.F., W.D.

  21. Pte. Noreen Martin, C.W.A.C.

  22. Pte. Edith McKinnon, C.W.A.C.

  23. Cpl. Mary Ferguson Muggah, W.V.R.C.

  24. Pte. Ruth McKenzie (RCOC) C.W.A.C.

  25. Pte. Jessie McCallum, C.W.A.C.

  26. Pte. Gladys McBurnie, C.W.A.C.

  27. Cpl. Mabel Newman, R.C.A.F., W.D.

  28. Pte. Viola L. Nelson, C.W.A.C.

  29. Pte. Margaret O’Rourke, C.W.A.C.

  30. Pte. Marjorie Spence, C.W.A.C.

  31. Pte. Evelyn Stevens, C.W.A.C.

  32. Pte. Doris Webb, C.W.A.C.

Shortage of Company Hands Slows Production

     The shortage of Company Hands in the No. 2 mine has resulted in the stoppage of one shift in the 9800 wall, further reducing the output of the mine.  It is expected that some relief will be found for this condition with the order issued by the Government refusing to accept miners as volunteers in the Armed Forces

Where’s the Bait?

     After you take a couple of fellows in and give them a nice hot cup of tea on a rainy day, as happened at Fountain Lake recently, you wouldn’t expect them to walk off with your well filled bait can.  That’s what Lyman Austin and Eddie Mills did – in error of course – and perhaps that’s why Lyman sent the Editor over a nice bunch of trout following his trip to Fountain.  But then Lyman always gets trout – seems to wave a magic wand over them and up they come.  Wish we had the art.

May 27, 1943 Additional Names

     We are sorry to have missed the names of several of our Springhill girls enlisted in the C.W.A.C. as published last week.  If there are others will their people please call in order that we may build up a complete list.  This would be greatly appreciated as we wish to do honor to all.

     The additional names are:

  1. Pte. Frances Newman, C.W.A.C.

  2. Pte. Elda Austin, C.W.A.C.

  3. Pte. Margaret Davies, C.W.A.C.

To Bring in 200 to 300 Workmen

     Boarding houses are urgently need for some 200 to 300 men who will be brought to Springhill to work in the mines temporarily in an effort to step up production.  Those who wish to take boarders are requested to register with the National Employment and Selective Office of which Mr. T. Barrow is the local manager.

     Discussing this matter with The Record, Supt. E.B. Paul points out than on average some 25% of the mine employees are idle every day and this has so cut the output that it is now necessary to bring in men from the services and other war industries in an effort to step up the output of coal so badly needed in our war effort.   


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