The Moss Diary CD-ROM
2nd edition
1918-2000 genealogical data
for Springhill, NS

Published 2005
CD-ROM: ISBN 0-9688024-3-5

Contains the complete data from the two printed volumes (Moss Diary & A Collection of 1977-2000 Springhill NS Genealogical Data) plus additional comments and photos of Springhill. Price: CA$27.00

Also available as

two paperback volumes:

Volume 1: The Moss Diary (1918-1976):

ISBN 0-9688024-1-9



Volume 2: A Collection of

1977-2000 Springhill NS

Genealogical Data

ISBN 0-9688024-2-7


The Moss Diary 2nd Edition CD-ROM is available from:

The Springhill Heritage Group

P.O. Box 240 B

Springhill, N.S.

B0M 1X0


Please note that shipping charges
will vary. Inquire for details.


About the Moss Diary

In 1918 Joseph Moss began to keep a record of deaths in Springhill, Nova Scotia. He included most deaths that occurred in the town as well as the names and death dates of many native Springhillers who died elsewhere. Here and there he added brief identifying notes. A few world leaders such as President Franklin Roosevelt and Prime Minister MacKenzie King were included in the list as were several internationally known union leaders and members of the clergy who had served Springhill churches. The diary records contain over 5000 entries, and cover the period from 1918 to 1976.

An extension of the original Moss Diary, adding 1977-2000 genealogical data, is now available in print format. The CD-ROM Second Edition combines all of the data from 1918-2000.


We can also supply copies of the two printed editions. The same price applies to both the CD-ROM and each of the print editions.

Cheques or money orders payable to: The Springhill Heritage Group

Prices are in Canadian funds for orders from Canada.

For orders placed from the USA, the total price is US$ 22.00. For other countries, please inquire regarding price.

Please include your name, address, and e-mail address when writing to order copies of The Moss Diary.

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