A Hilltop in Cumberland

by Bertha Isabel Scott

An excellent history of early Springhill to 1925. Paperback, 119 pages, containing several pictures and maps. Author Bertie Scott spent several years as a columnist and assistant editor of the Springhill Record. She also wrote for other publications and was noted for her wide knowledge of civic affairs. The book is the first definitive history of this well known mining town.

The story of Springhill, herein presented, is based upon a prize-winning essay. During the summer of 1925 the Maritime Library Association. was enabled, through the generosity of Sir Frederick Williams-Taylor and Hon. F.B. McCurdy to offer prizes for local historical essays, the object of which was to "stimulate local research, to recover and preserve the facts and traditions relating to early history and first settlers of various localities".

Among the nine awards for Nova Scotia. the essay on Springhill was given second place. The original essays became the property of the Association. but through the courtesy of Dr. W. C. Milner, President of the Association, the essay on Springhill is released. in order that it may be published in the present enlarged form. - BERTHA ISABEL SCOTT

Published by

The Springhill Heritage Group

$14.95 + shipping & handling.

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Where To Buy

The Springhill Heritage Group
P.O. Box 240 B
Springhill, N.S.
B0M 1X0, Canada

E-mail: patcrowe@bellaliant.net

Springhill: A Hilltop in Cumberland
$14.95 + shipping and handling

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