The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

October 9th, 2013

Church League Teams of 1950

     The following is a list of players on the Church League Teams in 1950:

Baptist Church: Hilton Boss, Jim McNutt, Bud Boran, Lowell Boran, Irvin Calder, Don Calder, John Henderson, George Henwood, Doug Maddison, Reg. Austin, Gerald Terris, Stan McCormick, Ronald McNutt, Lynn Brown, Raymond Smith, Art Brennan, Glen Embree, Wes Reynolds, Billy Crowe, Glenn Hannah, Bunny Brown, Harold Crawford, Ken Austin, Phil Canning, Jim Terris, Merlin Halliday, Jim MacDonald, Earl Austin, Bill Calder, Freddie Warks, Glen Doyle, Allen McKinnon, Don Tabor, Jack Arseneau, Ross McNutt, Cecil Slosher (sic).

Roman Catholic Church: Joseph MacDonald, Daniel MacDonald, Eddie MacDonald, Archie MacDonald, Harold MacDonald, Carmen MacDonald, William MacDonald, Maurice (Buddy) Anderson Jr., Ralph Anderson, Douglas Noiles, Stan Pashkoski, Ed Hayes, Basil (Buddy) Spence, Walter Lewis, Lee MacEvoy, William Shaw, Keith Bourgeois, Jr. Melanson, Henry MacLeod, Kenneth Gray, J. Ellsworth, Charles Dow, Lloyd Legere, Alfred White, Charles Burton, Eddie White, Junior Cameron.

Anglican Church: Frank Sears, Manager; Tom Barrow, Coach; Ron Barrow, Archie Mason, Junior Adams, Ern Boutilier, Ern Harrison, Bill Fear, Joe Rushton, Jack Hayes, Cecil Conn, Bill MacCormick, Kippy Belliveau, Dick Osmond, Ken Wilson, Allan Maddison Jr., Billy Brown, Howard Tattrie, Carroll Choisnet, Norman Boss, N. Anderson, Roy Hatton, Gerald Doyle.

St. David’s Church: Malcolm McLeod, Charlie Mitchell, Doug Ryan, Hugh McMillan, Colin Ross, Junior Hayden, Billie Maddison, Don Burton, Billie Smith, Bill MacKay, Jim Ryan, Darrell Hurley, Murray Coleman, Roy MacKay, Ken Murray, Blaine Hayden, Reggie White, Pete MacDonald, Albert Rector, Clyde Murray Jr., Rupert Goldrich, George Foster, Phillip White, Jack Cormier, Robert Ryan, Claude MacLeod (Coach), Arthur Rector.

Wesley Church: Douglas Lockhart, William Lockhart, Ken MacCormick, Norman Adams, Clayton (Buck) Smith, Percy Twonbly, Frank Milton, Robert Milton, Jack McCarthy, Lorne Letcher, Roddie Chell, Gerald MacKay, Ralph MacKay, Jack Turnbull, George Wood, Kenny Spence, B. Peck, Win Brown, Gordon Smith, Buddie Smith, Billy Smith, Arthur Dobson, Jimmie Spence, Arthur Vance, Donald Lusby, Reg. Alderson, Fred Wark, W.J. Matheson, J. Elton Davidge, J. Osmond, John Powell, Donald Campbell, Fraser Hayman.

St. Andrews: Douglas Beaton, Harold Fletcher, Kenny Beaton, Harold Burden, Melvin Boss, Leonard Doyle, Ronald Rushton, Dave Tabor, Monty Tabor, Roddie White, Richard Ward, William Weatherbee, Robert Weatherbee, Douglas Matheson, Kenneth Matheson, Daniel Beaton, Maynard Bickerton, Kent Ross, Jack Tabor, Hebert Atkinson, Carl Merlin, Kim Matheson, Sonny MacLeod, Ken Burden.

Springhill RecordJan. 6, 1948Rhodes Letcher’s Garage Gutted by Fire

     Fire of unknown origin breaking out at 4:30 a.m. Thursday morning, January 1st, did considerable damage to Rhodes Letcher’s Garage near Miller Corner.

     Originating in the office, where it is thought it might have been started by a short circuit, the fire destroyed the office and records and spread into the workshop where Mr. Letcher’s service truck, a 1942 Chev. Coupe and a two and a half ton truck belonging to Charlie Thompson of South Brook suffered damage.

     The local fire department was on the spot in good time after the alarm was sounded, but the lack of hydrants in the area hampered their work.  The loss was partially covered by insurance.

April 15, 1948Tillot Smith’s Sugar Camp Destroyed

     Friends will be sorry to hear that Tillot Smith lost his sugar camp on Friday when it was completely destroyed by fire during the night.  As no one was in the camp at the time, all equipment was lost along with fourteen gallons of syrup.  There was no insurance on the camp.

Osborne Beaton Injured in Mine

     Osborne Beaton is in hospital today as a result of an injury sustained in the 6700 wall of No. 4 mine Wednesday when a large stone measuring 14 feet long and 12 to 14 inches thick came down as he was timbering the roof.  The huge stone pushed Beaton towards the pans which protected him as he fell and took the weight.  As it broke away the stone broke three other timbers already erected.

     At the time of the accident Mr. Beaton was being assisted by Wilfred Brown, an official, who happened to be on the low side and clear of the stone.  Beaton suffered a broken right leg and shock.  His left arm was badly scratched and bruised and there were injuries to his shoulder which have not yet been determined.