The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

November 9th, 2016

Oct. 11, 1945Springhill RecordWalter Callow Puts Over New Campaign

     Walter Callow, of Parrsboro, blind and paralysed airman of the last war, now of Camp Hill Hospital, Halifax in another drive for funds to serve servicemen overseas with cigarettes, has conducted a province -wide campaign with school children selling calendars, designed and prepared under his direction; raising the number of smokes sent from the Callow Fund to top the 3,000,000 mark.

     Mr. Callow, who has been a hospital patient since 1917, is an inspiration to all with whom he comes in contact.  He urges the public to continue sending cigarettes as plenty of servicemen are still in Europe and the smokes shortage is acute as ever.

     Prizes in the drive were drawn at the School for the Blind last week.  Included in the winners was Billy Brown, Springhill, who won a wrist watch and Margaret Allbon, of Parrsboro, a pen and pencil set.

Driver Exonerated in Death of Child

     Ethel Knowlton, 7 year -old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Knowlton, Mountain Road, died in All Saints Hospital early Sunday morning as a result of injuries she sustained when she was struck Saturday afternoon by a truck driven by William Watt.  No blame was attached to the driver by the jury which held an inquest Tuesday. 

     The accident happened at 3:30 Saturday afternoon as the Eastern Bakery Truck was returning from Parrsboro, where it had delivered supplies.  Ethel Knowlton had been in town where she was picked up by her uncle, Orland Moore, who took her home.  As he stopped at the child’s home, she got out of the car and moving to the rear started across the highway to her home, as the car pulled away.  Leaving the protection of the car she stepped into the truck which was passing and sustained serious injuries. 

     After the accident William Watt carried her into the nearest house which happened to be her own home.  Mr. Moore then rushed her to the hospital where she was attended by Dr. Ryan.  She died early Sunday morning having failed to regain consciousness. 

     The inquest into the accident was held Tuesday morning presided over by Mr. Pat Terrio of Joggins.  Members of the jury were: A.M. Potter, Forman; Wm. Bell; Arthur L. Canning; Claire Coleman; Albert Porter; Gordon Hannah; Charles O’Brien; Joseph Melanson; Wes Hannah; James Wilson; Herbert Atkinson and Mervin Boss.

     The witnesses were Dr. J.R. Ryan, Orland Moore, Ralph Canning, Alex Stewart, William Watt and Cpl. Wigglesworth, R.C.M.P., A.R. Lusby, Crown Prosecutor, represented the Crown.

Welcome News

     Mrs. Thomas Lormier, Mechanic St., received a letter last week from her sister, Mrs. Andrew Anderson, Nygard, Rorvik, Norway, being the first word she has received since the beginning of the war.  Mrs. Anderson, who before he marriage was Miss Mary Hanson, was born here and lived here until the time of her marriage, going with her husband to his native land, Norway, about 39 years ago.  Her father, Mr. Oscar Hanson was also a native of Norway.  Mrs. Hanson writes that they are badly in need of clothing and at times the only food they had was what was dropped from the air, but they are all safe.

Oct. 18, 1945 Paul Brenton Shoots Bear

     Along with Neil Curry, Paul Brenton went a huntin’ deer the other day.  As they lay on an old orchard in Thundering Hill waiting and hopin’ for the site of an unwary deer, out of the woods tramped a big bear.  Paul, who is an excellent rifle shot, hit the big fellow with the first round, but the bear escaped into the woods where it took over an hour to locate him.  Even then he was still living and it took another shot to complete the job.  The bear weighed over 200 pounds.


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