The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

May 9th, 2012

Cross Burned

Nov. 3, 1932 Springhill Record Watch Out For a Tough Winter

     It’s going to be a tough winter with blizzards, high winds, and snow galore, the weather sharps assert listing the following reasons:

  1. 1.The martens went south in July, the earliest they’ve ever been known to leave the north.

  2. 2.Robins started for warmer climates in Sept. also ahead of schedule.

  3. 3.Chickens and even domesticated canaries have moulted unusually early; all fouls are practically attired in their winter garb already.

  4. 4.Hickory nuts and walnuts are plentiful and squirrels have practically stripped the trees, storing up a huge winter hoard.         

Dec. 15, 1932 Fiery Cross Burned Here Friday Night

     Springhill was stirred around midnight Friday by the burning of the fiery cross which was visible for a long distance around.  The cross burning took place on the Graven property, a vacant lot on upper McFarlane Street, near the center of the town.  The cross was a large one made of planks 24 feet high and 12 feet across and was about 7 inches wide, bolted together, sunk in the ground, steadied by guide wires and burned for a considerable time.  It has been stated that the K.K.K. have been organized here for some time.  There was no display of the clan’s literature around the cross.

Jan. 19, 1932 New Ballroom Opens Friday

     The evening of January 20th will mark the occasion of especial interest when the Capital Ballroom will be officially opened by Mayor A.B. Wilson.

     Mr. Mason’s plans are being rapidly carried forward to the desired transformation of the old Capital Theatre into an up-to-date and attractive place of recreation.

     The large dancing floor has been laid and will compare favourably with the best in the Maritimes.

     Former patrons of the theatre felt always a sense of unusual warmth and friendliness in its atmosphere.  It would not be surprising if this should become also a part of the renovated building in the newer use.  The familiar decorations have been retained; the large paintings on the soft dark walls, combined with the broad proportion of the building and quantities of ivory enamel give the effect of pleasant and spacious room.  The orchestra placed at the front of the stage, not only conserves floor space, but constitutes an actual advantage in the matter of transmission.  It adds also an artistic touch, which is considerable, featuring special lighting and a cleverly decorated backdrop.

     A microphone is being installed for transmission, and in addition a musical amplifier, the first in the Maritimes, has been placed at the back of the room so that the music is carried to, and is heard equally well, in every part.

     An easy stairway from the rear leads to dressing rooms for ladies and men.  A kitchen will provide facilities for serving in addition to the usual refreshments.

     Mr. A.J. Mason is one of those who is showing their faith in the town by going forward with original plans in the face of adversity.

Mar. 30, 1933 Washes Away Streets

     The thaw of Sunday made the streets almost impassable.  Particularly on the hills was the going bad with rivers of water pouring down the middle of the roadways and doing great damage to the streets. Drummond Street was badly damaged by the water.  Much of this destruction could have been averted if the drains had been properly cleared previous to the thaw and men distributed around the town to see that as much water as possible was diverted to the drains and sewers, thus saving the roadbed, last fall.  With over two hundred men drawing relief it should not be difficult to have this work taken care of without any additional cost to the town.