The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

March 9th, 2016

May 18, 1944Springhill Record
Wallace Hannah Resigns As Manager of Selrite Store

     For the past 10 years Mr. Hannah has been in the employ of Stedman Bros. Ltd. As Manager of their Springhill store.  During this time he has given good service to both the public and operators. 

     The Great-West Life Assurance Co. have recently entered the Accident and Health Insurance field and are now pressing for business in that particular line.  Mr. Hannah has been appointed by the Company to take charge of this particular branch for the County of Cumberland.  With this work he will have the full facilities of their Life Insurance Branch which will not encroach upon their present set-up with the office of H.S. Terris. Giving time to General Insurance Mr. Terris doesn’t have time to active-canvas for business.

     For the present Mr. Hannah has taken office space in the office of H.S. Terris and will have the full co-operation of Mr. Terris and of Mr. Fuller, who is actively associated with Mr. Terris. 

     Mr. Herbert W. Terris, who has been Assistant Manager at the Selrite Store for the past two years, has been appointed Manager to succeed Mr. Hannah.

     With a full line of insurance to offer, we predict that Mr. Hannah will make a success in his new work.

Wash Down Streets

     Members of the Fire Department took time off Sunday to wash down Main Street and Drummond Street.  The latter was in particular need of attention after the winter’s accumulation of dirt.  The boys did a good job and are to be commended for being interested enough to carry out this work.  The Chief of Police, Ivan Buchanan, could also be seen in overalls assisting in the task. 

     Really something should be done to improve the appearance of Main Street over the weekend.  For the past two Saturdays and Sundays the main thoroughfare could only be described as a disgrace to the town.  Paper was everywhere over the street and we are of the opinion that most of it did not come from the hands of pedestrians but was carelessly thrown out by some of the stores and blown around the stores.  More cars should exercise up the situation. 

Mother Receives Memorial Cross

     Mrs. Charles Barrett is one of the Springhill Mothers who have received the Canadian Memorial Cross.  The beautiful cross with its purple ribbon is in memory of her son James Robert Barrett of the W.N.S.R. who enlisted when just over 17, was promoted to the rank of Sergeant at the age of 18 1/2 yrs. and died of wounds in Italy in December 1943, two months after his nineteenth birthday.  The card accompanying the cross, from Col. Rushton, on behalf of the Government of Canada, states that it is given “in memory of one who died in service of his country.”

     Mr. and Mrs. Barrett are in receipt also of Their Majesties’ letter of condolence from Buckingham Palace.

May 25, 1944 – Local Boys on Haida

Ordnance Artificer, Fraser Hector Murray, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. William Hector Murray and A.B. Seaman Victor “Dick” Ward, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Ward, are crewmen of the H.M.C.S. Haida and had the thrill of being in the recent Channel naval action; both coming through safely.  Dick has written home saying they had “lots of excitement” but the story would have to wait ….we may quote, however, from the published account issued from London May 7th.

     “Probably the only sorrowful lads to emerge from the engagement without a scratch were S.A. Turner, from Vancouver, B.C. and Hector Murray of Springhill, N.S.

     They were swept into the Channel from the Haida’s nets as they picked up survivors from the sunken Athabaskan, and when they landed safely in England after a motorboat trip that is a sea epic, they asked for 28 days survivors leave.

     “We’re survivors” the two sea lawyers argued.  “We were picked up out of the sea.”  But they were told to get busy and help re-ammunition the ship.

     They really didn’t have to go to work, though, as did none of the Haida’s crew. 

     Navy routine, ever strict and sometimes seemingly unfair, demanded that the Haida be made ready for sea immediately, so when she tied up at her dock, the fight-weary men were told to stand-by to re-fuel and re-ammunition the ship.

     But H.M.C.S. Huron, a sister ship, that was in on the first but not the second scrap which saw the end of the Athabaskan, heard what was up, called for volunteers from her crew, and gathered together a bunch, who gave up shore leave, to stow the needed supplies on the Haida – while the men of the Haida slept.”


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