The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

July 9th, 2014

Nov. 2, 1939Springhill RecordA Tasty Buck (as told by James Allbon)

     There were three of them on that deer hunt.  Two of them sat in the back seat.  They had ridden for hours and were about to give up the hunt when they reached Williamsdale.  Whoa! Hold her up! Stop! Yelled both the back seat drivers as their keen eyes spotted a young buck over in an orchard standing by an apple tree.  They both tried to open the same door at the same time and nearly floored each other in the effort.  But the buck moved not.  And then in another moment Councillor Noiles and Bank foreman John Cottenden were lining their sights, while Officer Ralph Gilroy smacked his lips and cleared out the trunk at the rear.  Bang! Bang! Bang! And the air was thick with flying lead.  But the big buck paid no attention to the boys.  The marksmen looked at each other in amazement and then began to stalk that beautiful big buck only to find that it was stuffed and nailed to the tree.  That was last week, but truth will out.  At least we hope this is a true story or we will have to leave town.

Letcher’s Have a Good Record

     We have on our desk a scrap of paper treasured highly and with good reason by the Letcher family.  It is a clipping cut from the Halifax Herald during the Great War.  A portion of it has worn through the folds and fallen away, but from what remains we quote the following:

  1.      “Among the notable contributions to the nation’s cause is that of a Springhill woman, Mrs. William Letcher, widow of Brigadier Letcher, Cumberland Militia, 93rd Bat.  Her bit is five of her sons, Capt. William T. Letcher, 40th Battalion; Drum Major John J. Letcher, 32nd Battalion, in command of the 82nd Bugle Band, a live wire in organization and leadership; Corporal Harry Letcher, Composite Battalion draft; Private Granville Letcher, also with the 40th; and Charles B. Letcher, enlisted at 16, with the 63rd Halifax Rifles.”

     As a matter of family interest the clipping was sent to the boys in France.  Along the margin is a brief message “Gran you might send this to Harry when you finish.”  Harry was already dead, having been killed in action.  Granville was soon to follow.  The little clipping was returned to Springhill with Granville’s effects.  Needless to say it has been most carefully preserved.  Mrs. Letcher, now Mrs. A.F. Dickson, of Port Hawksbury.     

    The military history of this family goes on – Col. W.T. Letcher has again offered his services and hopes to have the opportunity of giving further assistance.  Charles B. Letcher, youngest of the five brothers who served in the Great War, has again enlisted as a member of the Searchlight Battery, Halifax Rifles.  His oldest son, Billy Letcher, is a member of the R.C.A. Permanent Force, Halifax.  John Letcher, the third surviving brother, has lived in Alberta for many years and is at present President of the Innisfail Branch Canadian Legion, B.E.S.L., which recently sent a resolution to the Governor-General, representing one hundred and fifty veterans of the Great War.  The resolution was presented by John Letcher.

     This family is one of the many thousands who remember today, the boys who did not come back.

Nov. 16, 1939Organize Red Cross at Rodney

     Rodney ladies met together on Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Jesse Canning, for the purpose of organizing a Red Cross Society.  Eighteen were present at the meeting and it is expected that the membership will be enlarged as the work gets underway.

     The following officers and committee members were appointed: 

Pres. – Mrs. Morton Schurman; V-Pres. – Mrs. Robert Pettigrew; Sec’y Mrs. Earl Austin; Treas. – Miss Elda Austin

Buying CommitteeMrs. Percy Smith, Mrs. Harmon Schurman, Mrs. Craig Brown

CuttersMrs. Levi Gilroy, Mrs. Layton Gilroy, Mrs. Wm. Canning

Nov. 30, 1939Receives R.N.

Friends of Miss Elizabeth Anderson, graduate of the Saint John General Hospital, will be pleased to learn that she has successfully passed her R.N. Examinations for the Province of New Brunswick.  She is at present on private duty at the Saint John Hospital and after the New Year will continue her studies in a Post-Graduate course.  Miss Anderson is the younger daughter of Postmaster and Mrs. David Anderson.

Fire Damages Home

     A roof fire caused serious damage this morning to the double home occupied by Percy Tabor and Michael Moore, Jr., lower Herrett Rd.  The alarm was sounded about 5:45 and the Department was on the scene quickly.