The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

October 8th, 2014

Sept. 19, 1940Springhill RecordIrvin R. Boss Opens New Garage

Lex McLellan will manage the business; handle Studebakers

     Although Mr. Irvin R. Boss of Maccan took over the Union Sales Garage on August 12th, the official opening of the business under new management is only announced today.  In this issue business associates extend congratulations to the new proprietor and wish him every success in his new location.

     During the past month the garage has been in the hands of painters and cleaners, and today the building presents a very attractive appearance both inside and outside.

     Outside and above the entrance the name of the new proprietor Irvin R. Boss appears in large blue letters against a white background.  Through the show windows on the south corner may be seen the new 1941 Studebaker car which Mr. Boss will handle in this territory.

     Inside the building is a well-stocked store of supplies and two offices in which the business is carried on.  Like the outside the inside has been freshly painted, white forming the body colour with a red trim.  The work ship itself is large and makes the handling of a large number of cars an easy matter.  The grease pit and washing stand makes things convenient for the workmen.

20 Years at Maccan

     Mr. Boss, the new proprietor, is no stranger to Springhill people.  For some 20 years he operated a garage at Maccan and served a high class of service in the days before the new road went through Fenwick to Amherst

     Mr. Boss will continue to operate the Maccan garage, spending part of his time here where he has placed in charge Mr. Lex McLellan, of Maccan, who has been with him for some 19 years.  Mr. McLellan will make his home in Springhill with his wife and children.

     On his mechanical staff, Mr. McLellan will have associated with him Wynn McLean, an experienced mechanic, who has spent many years servicing local cars.

Handle Irving Products

     In this favourable position on Junction Road Mr. Boss will handle the Irving gas and oil products who in this issue extend their best wishes for the success of the new firm.  Among the Irving products attracting attention today is Weartex Grease, which is said to have a much longer life than other greases. 

Extend Welcome

     Among those who extend a welcome to the new firm are the Dominion Rubber Company, Ltd., whose tires the new firm will handle exclusively; Fred. R. Gough and Claude W. Carter, local garage owners.

Oct. 3, 1940Express Office Moved Uptown

     Canadian National Express will in future be handled from the store of E.A. Monroe, Main St.  This change went into effect October 1 when the office was moved from the Cumberland Railway and Coal Co. station where it has been handled for many years by Mr. Charles Pippy.

     In future the express will be brought into town from the Junction and handled as formerly by Rod McKinnon.

     The change was made following a visit here last week by Supt. F. M. Smith following a conference with railway authorities in Cape Breton, and the transfer is being made by Mr. Victor Bell, of Truro, traffic supervisor of the express dept., who has been in town for the past few days.

Economy Store Opens

     The Economy Store, located in the former Abe Swetsky stand, opened last Friday after the completion of a remodelling job that made an immense improvement in the interior of the store.  The manager, Mr. Morris Coleman, reports that the opening sale was a big success over the weekend and a large advertisement this week offers further exceptional bargains. 

Struck by Car

    Helen Yost, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Yost of Miller Corner, was struck by a car Tuesday driven by Dr. Henry Leavitt, of Stoneham, Mass.  The child was only slightly bruised.  Dr. Leavitt reported the accident to the police but no action was found necessary by the department.