The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

Nov. 8, 2006

Nov. 8, 2006 – Prices through the years

This week we’ll take a look back at some prices through the years. In 1893 a dozen eggs were .25; a ten pound turkey was 1.30; a pound of butter was .23; a pair of chickens were.45. A barrel of flour - $5.00; sugar - .05 pound; a pound cake of Surprise soap - .05, people used to use the surprise soap as a measure as they knew it would always be a pound. 2 lbs beef steak was .25cents; a barrel of apples was a dollar and a whole pig cost $4.00

Ladies dongola kid shoes, lead lined, 50 cents a pair and men’s pegged and slugged working boot were 90 cents a pair with children’s shoes at 25 cents a pair.

Also in 1893 a dump cart load of coal was 75 cents dumped as close to the coal house as possible. If a person wanted it put in the coal house he would have to pay the coal hauler and extra 10 cents.

In 1909 a 2 yard long Australian wool mufflers were 20 cents each; men’s boots were $2.00 and $1.50 while women’s boots were $2.00 and $1.33.

In 1917 at Murray ’s Store - children’s straw hats were.25 cents; Ladies and girls navy print aprons were 19 cents each.

At Sprague’s Shoe Store they were having a shoe sale with women’s hi cut white laced boots Regular 2.95 on sale for 1.39; Girls white pumps, leather or rubber soles, Reg. 1.25 on sale for 99 cents and girls white buttoned boots and roman sandals on sale for 1.49.

At the Grand Opera House the price of admission will increase on Oct. 2, 1917 . Downstairs .15 cents, gallery .10 cents, war tax included. Children could sit all over the house for 10 cents.

In 1922 you could buy a pair of pit boots, made to measure, for $7.00 a pair.

An announcement was made in 1931 that milk prices in Springhill would drop from 12 cents to 10 cents per quart. Cream was dropped from 60 cents to 50 cents.

At Soley’s Grocery Store on 1933 they had fresh scallops at 35 cents a lb., grapefruits were 4 for 25 cents, eggs were 33 cents doz., bologna was 10 cents for a pound, a large bottle of ketchup was 19 cents, a 24 lb. bag of flour was 95 cents and iceberg lettuce was 15 cents.

At Leo White’s – Ladies and Gents haircut were 25 cents, school children 15 cents and haircuts for the unemployed was 15 cents.

Heisner’s Store had men’s blue demin overalls with bibs at 78 cents a pair, men’s work shirts 69 and 79 cents, and boy’s bloomer pants were 75 cents. Ladies house dresses were 59 cents and ladies jersey dresses were$1.98

Two loaves of Fox’s bread or 2 dozen rolls were 27cents.

At Jewkes’ Store on the Herrett Rd. in 1937 a loaf of bread was 10 cents, David & Fraser sausages were 25 cents a lb., Aylmers Tomato Juice was 12 cents a can, butter was up to 35 cents a lb., 5 lb. new potatoes were 10 cents. breakfast bacon was 35 cents, 5 lbs. white sugar was 35 cents and a pint of molasses was 10 cents.

In 1943 at M.K. Mills Grand Manan dulse was .35 cents a lb. and tangerines were 39 cents a doz.

At Simpson’s you could buy new bedroom suites from $79.95 to $125.00.

At L.B. Herretts’ Fry’s cocoa, 1 lb. tin, 33 cents, a pound of cheese was 35 cents and hamburger was 20 cents a lb. Pork steak was 10 cents a lb., roast beef was 8 cents a lb, Fresh Halibut was 25 cents a lb., granulated sugar 10 lbs for 48 cents.

The prices at the Capital Theatre were: Matinee – Mon. 3:30 – 12 to 35 cents; evenings 7-8:45 – 24 – 41 cents.

On April 1 st of that year stamps went up to 4 cents.

In 1951 at Louis Saffrons’ you could get ladies sundresses for $2.98 and if you made a $2.00 purchase you would receive a free GOB Hat!

At Hyatt’s Restaurant get a hot toasted chicken sandwich with dressing, cranberry sauce, French fries, tea or coffee for 60 cents.

The price of chocolate bars went up from 6 to 7 cents.

At Alicks’ Grocery Store layer bacon was $1.79 in 1975; bologna was 49 cents a piece or sliced at 69 cents, Brookfield Ice Cream ½ gal. was $1.69, bread was 3 loaves for 99 cents and 6 bottles of Pepsi were $1.09.

Hunter’s Food Master had chicken legs on for 79 cents a lb., Swift Premium cooked meats were 39 cents a package, you would pay 35 cents for a lb. of ripe tomatoes and for a lb. of cooking onions 59 cents.

Also in 1975 at Hilltop Restaurant you could get chicken, chips and coleslaw for 1.75; lg. clam and chips – 1.50; how about a cheeseburger for 60 cents or with the works for 65 cents and a turkey burger with potato dressing for 60 cents.