The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

May 8th, 2013

Noiles Would Umpire in Cape Breton

Dec. 3, 1936The Springhill Record Noiles Would Umpire in Cape Breton

     William T. Noiles will umpire in the Cape Breton professional league next summer if his application for a position is accepted by the league.  “Squirm” umpired a couple of games in the big time when he was visiting in Cape Breton and seemed to enjoy the experience.  Local officials will regret to lose Noiles who has been of much assistance in local ball games often working without pay.

Arrange for Road to Springhill Junction from Main Highway

     Pres. Harry Fox and J.W. Potter, representing the Board of Trade, made arrangements Tuesday with engineers McCoulough, Belliveau and Robertson for a new road into Springhill Junction branching off the Amherst end of the bridge.  All parties were agreed that the new road could be branched off at this point with safety.  This will settle a problem that has been in the minds of members of the Board of Trade for some weeks.

Ownership of Road is Established

     Papers have finally been discovered which show the ownership of North Street to be held jointly by the government and the town.  The towns portion is said to run from the Junction Road to Wolsley Street and the government is responsible for the balance to the point below the Cemetery. The road has been in need of repairs for sometime but the government had no papers to show the road had ever been taken over.  Now that these documents have come to light it is expected work will be carried out on the road next spring.

No. 6 Mine Ceases Operation Today

     With the closing of No. 6 mine today after some 15 years operation some two hundred men will be thrown temporarily out of employment while preparations are being made to provide places for them in No. 4.  Superintendant A.K. McLeod, in an interview with The Record Wednesday evening could not predict how long it would take to absorb these men.  No. 2 mine, said the Superintendant, is full up. 

     For the past year work in No. 6 mine has been confined to drawing the slope pillar.  Today the machinery has been practically all removed with the exception of two cutters which will be brought to the surface when the men quit work.  The rails which have been in use for the past fifteen years will not be lifted.  With the closing of the mine the bankhead, which has been in need of repairs, will be dismantled and another episode in the mining history of Springhill will have been written.

Local Mining Company to be Organized

     Rumors of the organization of the Springhill Gold Mining Company were confirmed last night by Dr. M.H. Nicholson, as your reporter luckily caught the well-known dentist, returning from a late call.  “Yes it is true,” he asserted (adding that he would rather his name not be mentioned in the report).  William K. O’Rourke, recognized as the only local man who has ever held the same municipal office for fifteen years in succession, was named President, Lester Dick, Secretary and Dr. F.E. Walsh, Treasurer.  Since his return from Upper Canada, said Dr. Nicholson, Dr. Walsh has been imbued with the splendid possibilities in gold mining in the province.  While their initial start will be small, the popular dentist added, they hope to have at least half a dozen mines that have been closed recently, re-opened under their management.

Dec. 3, 1936 - Suffers Painful Injury to Eye

     Carl McKay, 12 year old son of Lawrence McKay, King Street, met with a painful injury last Friday evening on his way to the pictures.  A number of boys were settling a difference with rocks and Carl walking along the street was struck in the eye, which was cut and badly bruised.  The injured lad was attended by Dr. Withrow.

     The practice of throwing stones is altogether too common.  It is, moreover, a particularly despicable way of fighting and a menace to passerby.  A short time ago young Arthur Canning met with a similar accident.  In neither case was it known who threw the rock.  Catch on fellows, Men have learned more civilized ways.