The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

Jan. 7, 2009

Wed. January 7, 2009 – More Stores in 1940’s

Springhill had many more business in the late 1940’s than those on Main Street .

No matter what part of town you lived in there was always a corner grocery store or two such as Frank Wilson’s on Chapel St.; Monson Legrow’s store first on South Street then on Mechanic Street; McPherson and Sears Provisions Market on Mechanic; Angus Ferguson Grocery Victoria; A.K. Nelson Grocery Elgin; Frank Alick General Store, Elgin St which became John Alicks General Store; Stewart Fraser’s Grocery on Church St.; Albert Gibson Grocery Church St.; The Rollway Church St.; S. Abraham Grocery Church St.; Wallace Gilroy Grocery McGee St.; Fred Gough Store McGee St.; Jewkes Brothers Herrett Rd.; Letcher Bros. Grocery Miller Corner; Watson Ross Herrett Rd.; Clarke’s Store Herrett Rd. and Charles Brown Black River Road.

On Maple St. there was Fox’s Bread Bakery and Hunter’s Bakery was on Victoria Street . The Springhill Dairy was situated on Chapel St. and the following year moved to Main Street . There was also Eastern Hay Feed Company Ltd. which also sold wholesale groceries.

If you were thinking of buying a car – there was no problem as there were the following Automobile Dealers: Cecil Letcher’s on Main St.; Claude Carter had the Ford Dealership on Junction Rd. ; G.I. Glendenning had Pontiac and Buicks on Pioneer Street;

Frederick G. Moore sold Chrysler cars on Lisgar Street and Rhodes Letcher had a car dealership at Miller Corner.

If you didn’t want to buy a new car and wanted to maybe have the old one fixed or just buy gas then you could go to the following garages and service stations: Roy Best Garage on Junction Road, Weatherbee’s Garage Main Street; Rector’s Garage on Hospital Street; Graven’s Service Station on Main Street or Perrin’s Service Station on the Valley Road.

Springhill Auto Accessories on Main Street had the parts needed for your car.

If you don’t own a car but need transportation just call a cab. There was Boss’s Taxi on Junction Road; Hatton’s on Main; Sear’s on McGee Street; Spence’s Taxi on Lorne Street; Al’s Taxi on Main Street; Chapman’s Taxi on Victoria; McKay’s Taxi on Queen Street and Veteran’s Taxi on Wolsley Street.

Mrs. Phillip Downey was a Dressmaker on Queen Street and for your tailoring needs go the Frederick McLeod’s Tailoring on Main Street .

Need to get a haircut then go to: Brownee Beauty Shop on Victoria Street; Mina Condy Beauty Shop Miller Corner; Mercelle’s Beauty Shop Cowan Street; Pacze’s Beauty Parlor Main Street; White’s Beauty Parlour Main Street, Wilson’s Beauty Shoppe Junction Road; and Russell’s Barber Shop on Junction Road.

Donald H. Ryan on Elgin Street was the place to go for all your Builder Supplies and if you needed someone to build something call Clark and Williams, Woodworkers, on Athol Road and Roy Smith was a painter on Mechanic Street .

For those trucking needs there are plenty of people to choose from: Herb Boss Junction Road ; Allan Livingston on Queen Street; F. Douglas Tabor Cowan Street ; Livingston Brothers on Elm Street ; Leander Rolfe and Leonard Smith on Cowan Smith.

There were two dry cleaners in town – Ideal Dry Cleaners on Main Street and Rupert E. Nelson Cleaners on Junction Road .

If visitors in town needed a place to stay there was the Carleton Hotel on Victoria Street . Another place to eat out was at the White Spot on Drummond Street .

Want to shoot some pool go to Dawson’s Pool Hall on Junction Road and Dickson Brothers had a dance hall on the Valley Road.

George D. Terris had Farm Machinery for sale, Harry Wilson sold cleaning machines on the Herrett Road and Acadia Construction had a gravel pit at Springhill Junction.

The doctors in town at that time were: J.R. Ryan, H. L. Simpson, F.E. Walsh and R.R. Withrow.

A.E. Harris was the Optometrist and there were two dentists – J. F. Comeau and G.S. Sproul.