The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

February 7th, 2013

Dec. 24, 1936 Springhill Record Schools Closed by Health Officer; Scarlet Fever

     Parrsboro, N.S. Dec. 22nd – Fear that an epidemic of Scarlet Fever might be starting in the town led Dr. C.S. Stuart, Health Officer, to close the schools last Tuesday a week ahead of the regular scheduled closing date.  Three cases of the disease had been reported to that date and the homes quarantined.  The school will reopen again on January 4th.

And George Got His Turkey

    George Weatherbee and his family have Mrs. A.E. Fraser to thank for rescuing their Christmas turkey last Wednesday evening and restoring it to its rightful owner.  A mean streak thief who had visited the Harris home before had just entered the back porch when Mrs. Harris hearing a suspicious noise snapped on the outside light from the kitchen.  The move surprised the visitor and in his hasty departure the bundle he had been carrying struck the partly opened door and fell to the ground as he scurried for cover.  Curious and unafraid stepped outside and rescued the parcel to find that it was a beautiful nine pound turkey the would-be thief had purloined elsewhere.  She took the bird into the house and phoned Chief Mont.  Later George Weatherbee discovered his bird had been lifted and was able to give such an accurate description of the turkey found it was handed over to its rightful owner.  And was George and the family happy!  And what of the thief?  He probably realized after the incident that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

Jan. 7, 1937Firemen Called Out Christmas Day

     The Fire Department was called out Christmas Day just after dinner when fire broke out at the home of Ed. Ridgeway on Monument Hill.  Damage was slight.  The fire started just where the cellar pipe entered an outside chimney and burned a small hole in the wall.  The Department responded quickly and prevented what could have easily developed into a serious fire.

Hard Luck Follows

     Mr. & Mrs. Arlie Smith, whose home and belongings were destroyed recently in a disastrous fire, are now residing with Mr. & Mrs. Percy Smith at Rodney.  Mr. Smith is working in No. 4 mine, having started work the day before the fire.

     Hard luck continued to follow them to the farm, where their four year old son, Floyd Murray, fell in the home Saturday morning, striking his head and opening a deep gash over the left eye that required a stitch to close.  Dr. Murray attended him.

Jan. 14, 1937Jack Russell, son of Sam Russell, Herrett Road, narrowly escaped serious injury at his place of employment on Tuesday morning of last week.

     Jack, who is employed at the Norman Deiters Barber Shop at Owen Sound, Ontario, attempted to light the fire using some cardboard cartons, when suddenly there was a violent explosion, caused it is thought by an oily rag being left in one of the cartons the day before by painters who were working in the shop.  So violent was the blast that it threw burning bits of debris all over the shop and shortly the whole place was ablaze.

     The firemen were called and worked for the better part of an hour to get the fire under control.

     Before the arrival of the firemen Jack tried to extinguish the blaze with his overcoat which was completely ruined.  He also lost a suit of clothes which he was taking to the cleaners and all his barber tools.  His hair was singed and he received slight burns about the hands but otherwise escaped injury.

     The interior of the shop was completely gutted, the loss being in the vicinity of $800.

Oct. 18, 1934 Shoots Moose

    It is not often we hear of a lady bringing down a moose but it has fallen to the lot of Mr. G.A. Sproul, to set the pace for the ladies of this district and perhaps the province.

Mrs. Sproul, out gunning with her husband at Sugarloaf, last Wednesday, brought down a fine animal.  A lot of men would envy the same sportslady her sharp eye.  The moose, which dropped at a single shot, dressed about 450 lbs.  In the party were Dr. and Mrs. Sproul and Mr. and Mrs. George Terris.