The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

December 6, 2006

Dec. 6, 2006 – 1925 Newspapers

While doing some renovations on her home my niece came across some newspapers from 1925 and I would like to share some of the articles with you.

From the Springhill Record and Mining News – Dec. 12, 1925 .

Business News: Mr. James O’Rourke an interest in the bowling alleys and the business will be conducted under his management.

Confectionary and fruit of all kinds, everything fresh at Hyatt’s Grocery.

Automobile skates for Xmas priced from 90cents to $6 a pair at Spragues'.

White sultana raisins 30 cents a package at John Wilson’s.

“The Home Maker” at the Opera House next Monday and Tuesday.

What will make a better Christmas present than a season ticket for the rink, on sale at Newman’s Billiard Room.

When the fire whistle blows, if not insured, call H.S. on the phone, number 101 at night – he will deliver a policy before morning, if necessary – unless the fire is in your building - better insure today, it might be your turn next.

A big assortment of toys at Hec’s Place.

The best present for your boys is a bicycle express cart or scooter, buy at Saffron’s.

Get on the band with Douglas McLean at the Opera House, next Wednesday and Thursday.

Card of Thanks: Mr. & Mrs. Jos. Archibald wishes to thank the miners and citizens of Springhill who gave to the generous collection of $169.96 on Saturday Dec. 5 th and also the men who kindly assisted without charge.

For Sale : One small phonograph and a number of records. Apply Mrs. J.T. Blue, Fir St.

In this record there were two pages of advertisements for all your Christmas gifts such as: Dolls – 1 cent to $6, Fountain Pens – 25 cents to $7, Electric Curling Irons – 1.85, Boys Jack Knives – 25 cents or how about a Diamond Ring - $20 to $100. Men’s sweaters, heavy jumbo knit, all wool for $4.50 or men’s broadcloth shirts in Xmas boxes 1.50 . Ladies could get silk hose in all colors for $1 to $2.50. A Kodak Brownie Camera was for sale from $2.75 to $12.50. You could also get pure linen Lunch Sets for $9.

Doll & Carriage with every purchase of 50 cents or over, we will give you a ticket which may result in you being the fortunate purchaser. J. Shenton

Here is a list of the businesses which had advertisements in the paper: Soley’s, Russell’s Sale Agency, S.G. Russell, Prop, The Gift Shop – Jeweler and Optometrist – P.G. Fawcett, Saffron’s Clothing, Bowling – James O’Rourke, Mrs. G.W. Thomas – dressed dolls, D. Murray & Co Grocery, A. Swetsky’s Men’s Wear, Withrow’s the Rexall Store, Hec's Place Confectionary, H.S. Terris Insurance, Jennie C. McDonald, Scott & Stonehouse, Spragues’ the store with the stock, McLeod’s men’s wear, G.L. Glendenning, Jack Shenton Fruit, Confectionary and Tobacco, A.L. Brown Hat Shop. Lewis Rogers, Hopkins and Herrett Grocery, Wardropes’ Drugstore and Hyatts’ Grocery.

At the Movies: Today (Dec.12) see Hoot Gibson in “Spook Ranch”; Monday and Tuesday – “The Home Maker” with Alice Joyce and Clive Brooks; Wednesday and Thursday – Douglas McLean in “Never Say Die” – they framed up a divorce – made the vampire kiss him right before his wife. Oh Ma Ma! And don’t miss the last of “The Pace Makers”. Friday and Saturday – Rin Tin Tin the Wonder Dog in “Tracked in the Snow Country” with June Marlowe, David Butler and Mitchell Lewis; also “40 th Door” the last chapter, see it by all means.

At Saint David’s’ Presbyterian Church – The Reverend A.E. Sanderson, Interim Pastor – morning subject – “Sin of Unbelief”, evening subject – “Confession”. Specially good music. Wm. C. Wilson, choir leader and Mrs. Carmichael, organist.

Basketry Sale and Student’s Exhibition – There will be a sale of basketry and exhibition of students work at the Studio of Miss Grace Young, Wilson Block, on Wed. Dec. 16 from 2-5:30 and from 7-8:30.

At the Church of Nazarene they were conducting a revival campaign.

For Sale : One Range stove in good condition. Will sell cheap. For particulars apply to Mrs. Chas. H. Pettigrew, Lisgar St .