The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

January 5th, 2012

Articles from 1899

Springhill Jan. 10, 1899Editor Advertiser

Dear Sir – Please allow us space in your valuable paper to announce an article that appeared in a late issue of the Mining Record commenting on the action of the police on duty during the holidays.  It is true that we were called to a Belgian’s house to quiet a disturbance that was supposed to have taken place between man and wife.  We went when called and was met at the door by the lady of the house and in a very lady-like manner informed us that there was nothing wrong there.  Not by the man and ordered us away as the writer in Record would have the public believe.

     Now, Mr. Editor, the author of the item is a sneak and knows that when he wrote that article that he was writing lies which can be easily proven.  Perhaps, he is looking for the job and he has not the courage either morally or physically to retain it if he had it, but what he is best at is looking after women and children at all hours of the night, and if he would take our advice we would advise him to remain at home and perhaps there would not be so much trouble between married people. He is beneath our notice, only the article referred to was not signed by any one, some people might believe there was something in it.  But if he had signed it with his proper name no one would believe it, as he is noted as a liar, sneak and a coward.

Yours respectfully,

Geo. L. Smith

Malcolm McVicar

Jan. 18, 1899 – A hockey club called the Maple Leaf was organized here last Friday evening and is under heavy practice these nights; they have made arrangements for a match with some outside teams inside three weeks.  We are with the “Maple Leaf forever.”

     A report was circulated to the effect that John Wilson had employed a bookkeeper, and to ascertain the facts, our reporter, interviewed Mr. Wilson.  Yes, said Mr. Wilson, we have hired a bookkeeper.  The public re giving us such a generous share of their patronage for which we are very thankful.  We found, to give prompt and satisfactory services, it was necessary to hire a bookkeeper or an extra clerk.  The staff and myself discussed the matter pro and con, and we finally decided to hire a bookkeeper.  This will allow me more time to devote to the interest of our customers.  We have given Miss Hislop charge of our books, whom we consider capable in every sense of the word.

     The News Advertiser man was the last to ride a bike in 1898 and the first to ride it in 1899.  He was out on Dec. 26, 27 and 28, 1898 and on Jan. 12 and 13th 1899.  Two other citizens took a spin on Jan. 13th.  How is this for Springhill?

Jan. 25, 1899 – Wild, weird and more thrilling and exciting than the gladiators at Rome; such will be the hockey match in the Palace Rink on Friday evening.  Come and Spend a dime or two.

Feb. 15, 1899 – The biggest snow storm of the season on Monday night.

Mar. 8, 1899 W.H. Murray expects to have a chainless bicycle in town shortly.  This will be the first of its kind in Springhill.

     A heavy rainstorm, thunder and lightning passed over Springhill on Sunday night last.

Mar. 22, 1899 – It is rumored that T.B. Ryan, our popular livery stable man, is to erect a new stable on Victoria Street this summer.  Success to you Baldwin.

April 12, 1988 – Several young men who visited Mrs. McKnight’s restaurant late on Saturday night carried away some articles from off the table, also destroyed property.  They are well known and if they do not return the missing articles and make good the damage before our next issue we will publish their names in full, cautioning the public to beware of them.

Apr. 19, 1899 – To Editor Advertiser

Dear Sir – I see by the last issue of the Tribune that George Hopkins offers $10 to any person giving any information as to the killing of a cow with a sore leg.  If he leaves the above amount at the Advertiser Office he may get the information he requires.

Yours truly;


April 26, 1899 – If the $10 is too much for the information George, leave $5 with the Advertiser.

    Arthur Brown purchased the building of Daniel McLeod’s occupied by M. Benjamin and is having it removed on his vacant lot next to his Carriage Factory, Main Street.