The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

December 5th, 2012

Dec. 19, 1935Springhill RecordHere 59 Years Wilson Family

     Fifty-nine years ago December 4th the family of the late James B. Wilson came to Springhill from Low Point, C.B.  The late Mr. Wilson and his wife, who before her marriage was Miss Jean Alton, came originally from Kilmarnock, Scotland.

     Mr. Wilson held an official position with the Coal Company for a number of years, later carrying on a successful book agency, and many of “Mr. Wilson’s books” are found in Springhill today.

     He was an ardent Christian, and for many years was an elder in St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church.

    Mr. John Wilson, one of his sons and a pioneer business man, tells us that weather conditions were exactly the same on Dec. 4th and 5th this year as they were fifty-nine years ago, although other conditions are so different.

     Arriving at the old station, they had to walk through snow and slush to their home in the new town.  No sidewalks, no street lights – oil lamps in the homes and water to be carried from the bore-hole, yet people were happy and content as we are today with all our modern conveniences, and perhaps had even more time for friendly fellowship.

     The late Mr. James B. Wilson, better known as Jimmy Tony, brought to Springhill besides his wife, his family of eleven children: five sons – James, John, William, Sandy and George; and seven daughters: Jean (Mrs. Wilson Demings), Margaret (Mrs. William Russell), Mary (Mrs. David McSavaney), Elizabeth (Mrs. John Leadbetter), Martha (Mrs. George Murray) and Agnes (Mrs. John McIsaac).

     Of the original family, six survive, five of them still living in Springhill – Mr. John Wilson, Ex-Mayor A.B. Wilson, Mrs. J. Leadbetter, Mrs. D. McSavaney and Mrs. J. McIsaacMrs. Demings now resides in Everett, Mass.

     There are fifty-two grandchildren, twenty-eight of whom reside in Springhill.

Dec. 12, 1935Legion Wins First Prize

     Mr. John Murray, Chairman of the Buckingham Contest Committee of the Canadian Legion, received a telegram this morning informing him that Springhill had won first place in the Buckingham Contest and that 388 toys are being immediately sent to this legion.

Jan. 9, 1936No. 6 may operate until September

     Discussing with Superintendent A.K. McLeod, the announcement made by Mr. H.K. Kelley, Vice President and General Manager of the Dominion Steel and Coal Corporation, in last week’s issue in regard to the closing of No. 6 mine in the spring, the Resident Superintendent informed the Record that since the information concerning No. 6 was given the General Manager, it had been found that it might be possible to keep No. 6 operating until September.  “We are pretty hopeful that this will be the case” said Mr. McLeod “but it all depends on conditions we run into.”

Jan. 16, 1936Mine Injuries

     No less than four accidents within twenty-four hours and six for the present week to date have been the lot of those engaged in the mines this week.

     One of these, Charlie Merlin, is serious, and this well known resident is in a serious condition at the hospital.  Merlin’s injuries include the loss of two toes on the right foot, a severe wound to the right groin, a cut muscle just below the right knee and a deep wound in the left leg, received Wednesday morning.

     Merlin, a miner at the 2000 level of No. 4 mine was working on the high side of the machine as the operators were taking up the slack, preparatory to taking it down.  He slipped, and falling into the chain, was drawn against the picks.

     About the same time, in No 2 mine, James Fraser was employed at the 4400 foot level, building packs when the tail rope pulled off a jug, driving out the props which struck him in the left arm, breaking it above the elbow.

     On Tuesday evening, Robert Rector had the second finger of his left hand caught between the tugger rope and the drum and lost the end of the finger.  He was employed in the 4100 at No. 2.

     The same evening in No. 6 John (Stan) Fraser, haulage driver, was struck by a rope that was caught and then suddenly released, catching Fraser in the face and breaking his nose.

     Mel Veno also had his legs injured Monday evening in the 4400 level of No. 2 mine when a tail rope flew off a bottle jug and struck him in the legs inflicting cuts and bruises.

     And this morning to complete the casualties to date for the week John Barton was removed from No. 2 mine after he had been struck in the foot with a pick.