The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

September 4th, 2013

Church Hockey League

     How many remember when the different churches in town had their own hockey league?

     At a meeting of the church hockey league on Jan. 15, 1937 the following representatives met to re-organize the league:

Roman Catholic ChurchWilliam Noiles; St. David’sDon McKenzie; All Saints AnglicanMark Marshall; Baptist John Calder; St. AndrewsDan Beaton Jr.; Wesley – Robert Harroun; Angus A. McKay was appointed President with A.G. Allbon being appointed Secretary-Treasurer.  The representatives made up the executive.

     New rules, added to those already existing, were: all games start at 7 p.m. sharp and games to be decided by point system with a ten minute overtime according to hockey rules.  William Noiles was to referee all games in which he was not a participant with Harry Terris and Herb. Rushton also being appointed referees.

Price of admission was set at 25c and 15c for those under 16.

     The name of a player had to be sent to the executive before he could be added to the roster. All players had to have the okay from their respective church ministers.

     The teams had to have all uniforms alike with their respective colors.

     Here are a few of the names added to the list of players in 1937: for the Catholic ChurchArchie McDonald, Dannie McDonald, J. Cvitkovich, Lloyd Legere, Albert Burke; for St. David’sJim Richmond, Ken Thompson; All SaintsRobert Adams; BaptistEmmerson Harrison, Gerald Doyle; Oliver Millard, Gerald Millard; WesleyCarmen Davis, Doug Lockhart, Charles Adams, J. Rushton.

     All Saints Anglican Church won the tournament for the 1936-1937 season and received the Dr. H.L. Simpson Trophy.

Players for the 1939 season were:

R.C – William Noiles, John Crowe, Ted Arseneau, Neil Noiles, Art Noiles, Gus Gaillard, Gerald Hatherly, Donald Condy, Hance Crowe, Herbert Crowe, Harold Harris, Eddie McDonald, Lawrence White, Francis Livingstone, Charles Burton, B. Hayes, Leo Marsh, Fred Tabor, James Brennan, D. Mackey, Gardiner Terris, Fred Cormier, Harold Hayes, Art Lewis, Lloyd Legere, Art Brine, Ed. Hayes, John Miller, James Harroun Jr., Joe Barton, Johnny White, Leo Comeau, Len Turnbull, Danny McDonald, Don Burton, Buddy Condy, Father Comeau;

United Baptist – John Mitchell, John Calder, John Hunter, James Martin, Harry Tabor, Alfred Allbon, Stanley Whitewood, Walter Selkirk, Wm. Calder, Frank Crawford, Cedric Welton, Ross McNutt, Doug. McNutt, James McNutt, Wilfred Paul, Percy Merritt, John McKay, Harold Crawford, Charles Wilson, Glen Embree, Arthur Brennan, Emmerson Harrison, Gerald Doyle, John Cameron, Chas. Crawford, Allister Hannah, James McDonald, Leonard Doyle, Garnet Finlay, Earl Austin, Charles “Peachy” Wilson, Buddy Boran, Earl Mazerall, Harold Stonehouse, Percy Boss, C. Killan, Ron Boss, Gordon Bigelow, Ray Smith

St. David’s – Donald McKenzie, Claude McLeod, Lawson Fowler, Phillip White, William White, Bud Jardine, Walter McDonald, Herbert Fraser, David Colwell “Ham”, Cecil Colwell, Robert Ryan, Art Canning, Marc McKay, Neil Ross, Ken Thompson, Rod White, Danny Dill, Doug King, Doug Weatherbee, Don Elliott, Bill Canning, Gerald Wilson, Doug Wilson, Charles Boran, McKenzie Hopkins, Don Johnson, C. Fraser, Earl Boran, Earl Carter, Eddie Cole, Earl Wood, Dave Coleman, Cecil Cole, Arnold Burden, Jack Stamper, Ervin Wilson, Harold King, Charles Mitchell, Herb Fraser, Ed Colwell

Anglican – Thos. Barrow, Doug Ellis, Jas. Maddison, Jesse Newman, Albert Ellis, Jack Booth, Bert Crowe, Arthur Marshall, Eric Clarke, Wm. Littler, Doug Corkin, Norman Boss, Russell Newman, Arthur Cox, Bernard Porter, Ronald Barrow, Cecil Goldrich, Henry Fawcett, Joseph Tabor, Raymond Murphy, Henry Livingstone, Fred Bickle, Earl Boss, James Rutter, Carl Whittle, John Maddison, Earl Maddison, Everett Hatton, John Fear, John Adams, Robt. Adams, Walter Lewis, Cecil Conn, Ray Maddison, Norman Corkin, Maynard Maddison, Morley Weatherbee Jr., Jerry Porter, Jas. Adams, Geo. Foster

Wesley – Ronald Cameron, Eddie Cameron, Herb Cummingham, John Lockhart, Robt. Harroun, Harry Ward, George Ward, Albert Rector, Gerald McCormick, Arthur Herrett, Wilbert Farnell, James Hayman, Howard Spence, Arthur Gaillard, Doug Williams, Everett Amon, Harmon Spence, Dick Boss, Arnold Young, John Lowther, Arthur Spence, John Spence, Baker Pepperdine, Carvel McCormick, Mel McKay, Carmen Davis, Doug Lockhart, Carl Demings, Wilbert Prentice, Harold Lockhart, Chas. Adams, Ivan Amon, Jack McCarthy, Francis Crummey, Frank Williams, Fraser Hayman, Doug Davis, Norman Adams, Billie Lockhart, Jack Arseneau, Doug McLeod, Harry Davis, Percy Trombley, F. Milton, R. Young, R. Ward, M. Amon, W. Mont, R. Harroun, L. Letcher, R. Letcher, E. Cameron, C. Young, E. Matthews, Clayton Smith, A. Spence, L. Brown, C. Johnson

United – Kenneth Bentley, Wm. Weatherbee, Carl Merlin, David Tabor, Tom Tabor, Wm. O’Rourke, Douglas Rye (sic), Earl Terris, Fraser Murray, Lloyd Tattrie, Ken Condy, Fred Hawker Jr., Danny Beaton, Jack McDonald, Donald Tabor, Art Bonnyman, Ken Ross, Ken Matheson, Monson Beaton, Doug Tabor, Robt. O’Rourke, Gordon Mann, Len Smith, Fraser Murray.