The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

May 4th, 2016

Oct. 5, 1944 Springhill Record Takes Over Duties

     Miss Elizabeth Anderson, R.N., who recently succeeded Miss Ruth Morrison, R.N. as County Nurse, is already well established in her new routine and is making her headquarters in Springhill.

     Miss Anderson trained in Saint John with subsequent post graduate work and therefore is most qualified for her arduous duties.

     Miss Morrison who for a time was stationed her and then in Amherst, has gone on to Minneapolis to complete her studies for her B.SC.

Oct. 12, 1944County Decides Mountain Road Issue

     Judge J. Welsford McDonald in his decision handed down this morning that the Mountain Road properties under dispute lie within the boundaries of the Town of Springhill and he dismissed the appeal with cost to the Town.

     The case was appealed to the County Court by Frederick Griffin, who was represented by J. Guy Black, K.C., of Oxford.

     Mr. Black based his contention that these properties lay outside the Town of Springhill on the contention that the By-Law of 1927 was void because it was not passed in accordance with Section 47 of the Town’s Incorporation Act, Chapter 84, R.S.N.S.  The finding of the Judge reveals, however, that Mr. Black could produce no evidence to support his contention and the onus rested on the appellant to show that the By-Law was not regularly passed.

     “In view of the foregoing I find that the lands and personal property of the appellant lie within the Town of Springhill and are liable to assessment and taxation there.  I, therefore, dismiss the appeal with cost to the Town and confirm the assessment as made by the Town Assessors,” said the Judge.

Serving Overseas - Lieut. Ruth Fawcett, R.N., Military N.S.R.C.A.

     Lieut. Nursing Sister Ruth Fawcett of the Military Nursing Service attached to the R.C.A., is a daughter of Mrs. Grace Fawcett, Queen Street and the late P.G. Fawcett.

She is a graduate of “Aberdeen” Hospital, New Glasgow and had post graduate work at the “Royal Victoria”: since which she continued in practice in Private Nursing until her enlistment for Active Service in the Military Nursing Service.  She served in Halifax and Debert, going Overseas early in May where she was appointed to the 12th Canadian General Hospital.

Oct. 19, 1944 Over 1500 Support Death Benefit Plan

     Over 1500 employees of the Cumberland Railway and Coal Company have signed pledge cards in support of the “Death Benefit Plan” and this weekend the Officers are making a drive to complete the organization 100%.  An advertisement in this issue tells where cards may be secured by those who have not yet joined. 

     The Death Benefit Plan is a local organization – an insurance society.  When a member dies his estate benefits from the benefit of 50 cents by each of the other members.  This is taken off through the pay office and delivered to the family of the deceased.  Operating expenses, which are extremely light, are taken care of separately by the United Mine Workers own organization.  It is expected that when organization is completed some 1800 members will be members.

Nov. 2, 1944 Students Attend Various Colleges

     Springhill boys and girls are studying at the following schools and colleges.  We hope we have not missed anyone.  Our good wishes are extended to all for pleasant and successful term.

Mount Allison UniversityEdward Simpson, Donald Stonehouse, Kenneth Warren, Donald Wilkinson, William Wilson, Beatrice Simpson, Jean Simpson, Helen Paul, Marjorie Swift.

Mount Allison (Home Economics)Joan Wilson

Mount Allison CommercialAudrey Matthews, Jean McSavaney, Clara Young

Mount Allison School for GirlsMarilyn Simpson

Dalhousie UniversityEdwin Fraser, Arthur Saffron, Marilyn Withrow

Pine Hill Divinity CollegeRaymond G.C. Cunningham

Acadia University William Scott, Donald Martin, Douglas Wilson, William Canning, Frances Scott, Shirley Canning, Audrey Smith, Ruth Canning, Margaret Walsh

Toronto UniversityRoy Munroe

Mount St. Bernard Berthold Mackey, Claire Johnson

St. Mary’s College Jerry Mackey, Ralph Maddison

Success Business College (Truro)Audrey Kennedy

St. Charles Business College (Amherst)Morna Fear

School for the BlindRoy and William Howard

School for the Deaf Frances and Darlene Powell, Joseph Babineau

Grade X11Fern Blenkhorn (Amherst Academy), Muriel McAloney (Parrsboro)

Nurses in-Training in New ClassesJoyce Beaton – Victoria General Hospital; Gloria Ferguson – City of Sydney Hospital; Lucy Ellis – Children’s Hospital Halifax; Ella Thompson, Grace Fawcett – Moncton City Hospital; Hilda Newman – Aberdeen Hospital; Laurene Paul – All Saints Hospital


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