The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

May 4th, 2011

More from Springhill Advertiser 1900

July 11, 1900 – Springhill Advertiser 

We understand there is a movement afoot to have all the stores closed on Wednesday afternoons during the months of July and August.  This we hope will be carried out as it is a move in the right direction.  In Halifax and other cities the stores close on Saturday afternoon but in Springhill it would be impossible to close that day.  Consequently they have selected Wednesday afternoon as the most suitable.

     William Walsh, of Springhill, who went to Sydney to work for the Metropolitan Construction Company, was sentenced on Saturday to two years in Dorchester for having thrown a bottle at a moving car at the I.C.R. station, Sydney, two weeks ago. - Amherst News and Sentinal

     We might here observe in connection with the above Amherst News and Sentinal that sooner or later people are brought up and punished for their evil propensities, and we are sorry to state that there are many in this town who are allowed to do as they please and run the loose line with impunity; who, if they do not change their tactics and determine for themselves to pursue a better course of living may eventually find themselves placed in the same castle that poor Walsh today occupies.  Let us have a good police force to regulate law and order, and the sooner the better.

Attempted Burglary – Be On Your Guard

     On Monday night last the house of Richard Clarke, who lives alone on the Herrett Road was approached by three night rowdies who demanded admittance, and after insisting upon it Clarke said if they did not leave he would blow their brains out, and immediately produced his rifle, at this, they considered, we suppose discretion to be the better part of valour and cleared off.

     At McEachran’s house an attempt had also been made to break in, but it was not a success.  A lot of tools for burglarizing were found near the building.

     Three fellows, on the same night, followed Philip Gilmour and made some approaches which were to him suspicious, so he got off the sidewalk to the main and confronted his would be opponents, as soon as he had done so they cleared off.

     Not over two weeks ago a large stone was thrown through the window in Stipendiary Magistrate Foster’s house about one in the morning.  Under all these circumstances surely something should be done toward street regulations in our town and it is to be hoped that Thursday’s meeting will be fully attended and decisive measures adopted for the protection of all classes in the community.

    July 25, 1900 – On Monday at noon a wagon with a baby reposing in it, was turned over by a sudden gust of wind.  The baby fell out and the “poor man’s piano” was suddenly in full tune.  Take better care of baby next time you go out.

     August 29, 1900 – The storm on Sunday was very severe and much damage has been caused to property.  Lightning struck a house on Herrett Road, owned by Murdock McKenzie and occupied by Fred Tabor, was completely destroyed.

     The fire company was soon on the spot but their exertions to save the house were vain.  In Duncan Cameron’s house, on Pioneer Street, a sash window was destroyed and the blinds torn to shreds.  At Little River, too, we understand that a house was destroyed by lightning, also one at West Brook.

Oct. 10, 1900 – The old church Rectory has disappeared from the corner of Main Street and Junction Road.  The purchaser, J.W. Findlay, has moved it up to the lot back of his store and will arrange it for a dwelling for two families.