The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

June 4th, 2014

Aug. 10, 1939Springhill RecordCars Crash; Six Injured

     Six persons were admitted to All Saints Hospital Saturday suffering from severe injuries received when two cars collided on a turn on the top of Hanson Hill, 7 miles from here.

      One car was owned and driven by Thomas McKay, a former Springhill boy, but now a resident of Michigan.  He was on his way home from visiting his Mother, Mrs. George McKay, New Glasgow.  With him in the car were his wife and two children, Peggy, 12, and Mary, 10.  Both Mr. and Mrs. McKay received severe cuts and other injuries.  The children were also cut by flying glass and badly shaken up.

     In the other car, from Long Island, N.Y., were Jas. Denning and his mother Mrs. Jas. Denning, both of whom were injured, the latter most seriously.  They were enroute to Digby.

     It is believed the cars skidded on the slippery pavement on the turns.

     Passing cars rendered assistance and a call to town was telephoned from Springhill Jct. summoning aid.  Dr. Simpson went to the scene of the accident; also R.C.M.P. Constable McWhirter and Chief Mont.  The miner’s ambulance and the ambulance from Amherst were on the way, but the injured were brought to Town by car.  A nurse, whose name we are unable to learn, rendered first aid to Mrs. Denning and accompanied her to the hospital where Dr. F.E. Walsh also assisted in giving medical and surgical attention.  According to a report from the hospital today all are making a satisfactory recovery.  The cars were badly damaged and were brought to town by wrecking crew.

Aug. 17, 1938Would Ship Coal from Pugwash

     Pugwash Longshoremen are interested in the possibility of shipping Springhill coal from that port according to a communication placed before the Executive of the Springhill Board of Trade Thursday evening last.  According to the Pugwash organization four Springhill men had been discussing the possibility of shipping coal through that port, but the names of these parties were not clear to the writer.  It was their wish to meet with the Springhill Board of Trade and discuss the possibility of this water route.

     The Executive decided to call all parties together this week when the matter will be reviewed.

Seek Guard Rail Mr. John Murray, Chairman of the Street Committee, reported that he had taken up with Councillor Rector, the matter of a guard rail near Miller Corner, in front of Pettigrew’s house, where cars were inclined to slide off the road during the winter when the road became icy.  This is considered a dangerous spot particularity in the winter.

Freight PickupH.N. Soley, executive member of the Maritime Board of Trade, told the meeting that he had discussed the possibility of Springhill being included in the C.N.R. pickup program and had been assured by Mr. Ron Matheson, freight rate experts in the Maritime Board of Trade, that present plans called for the inclusion of Springhill.

School Swings – Members expressed regret that more use was not being made of the school playground equipment during the summer.  It was felt that more use of the equipment would help keep the children off the streets.  The matter is to be taken up with the School Board. The question of more and better signs was discussed by the Board.  Tourists have been having difficulty locating signs on the Junction Road and the Board felt that some effort should be made to standardize high signs so that tourists would know where to look for them.

Ratepayers Move to Pave Herrett Road – There were about thirty-five ratepayers at the meeting called Monday evening to discuss the hard surfacing of Herrett RoadMayor A.W. Davidson explained the object of the meeting and asked the opinion of those present. 

     Councillor Rector pointed out that when this project was investigated before the cost was said to be in the vicinity of $8500.  No figures have been obtained lately.

     Mr. James Pettigrew told the meeting that the Herrett Road had already received three coats of red ash near where he lived and the road was not yet in good shape.  He thought something permanent should be done.

     Harry Davies considered that $12,000 to $14,000 had been spent on this road in his time and it was as bad now as in the spring. 

     Lester Clark thought the Town would eventually save money by hard-surfacing this road. 

     Deputy Town Clerk, A.G. Allbon read a section from the instructions received from the Dept. of Municipal Affairs for borrowing money for Municipal projects, indicating before a ratepayers meeting is called contact should be made with the Department.

     On motion from James Pettigrew and Lester Clark, it was decided to proceed with the paving of Herrett Road.  Seventeen voted for the motion and one against.