The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

April 4th, 2012

Senior Citizens Form Group; Young Girl killed in Plane Crash

This month marks the 40th year since the Springhill Senior Citizens Group has been formed.  This group has brought a lot of enjoyment to many seniors over the years.  The following is what was written in the Record about the first meeting.

Apr. 20, 1972 Springhill Record Senior Citizens & Pensioners Form Group

     The Springhill Senior Citizens & Pensioners’ Organization was formed by an attendance of about 80 senior citizens at a meeting in the Miners’ Hall on Saturday afternoon.

     Officers for the new organization were elected as follows: President Henry Hibberts, Vice President James Allbon, Recording Secretary Ruth Rushton, Treasurer Charles MacLeod.

     The meeting which was chaired by James Allbon heard a report from the information committee, which was set up a few weeks ago, to gather information that would be helpful in the forming of a senior citizens group.

     Special Speakers at the meeting were D.J. MacDonald, Sydney Mines, Provincial Organizer for the Senior Citizens and Pensioners; E. MacDonald, President of the Senior Citizens Organization of New Waterford.  In their interesting addresses, the speakers outlined the problems encountered by senior citizens in Cape Breton; these included such matters as Medical, drugs, taxation, entertainment, barbering, beauty salon care and garbage collection.

     The speakers also told of the program of action which had been taken in their areas.  One important part of the remedial program consisted of a presentation of a brief on taxation to Town Councils, to the Provincial Government and to the Federal Government in an attempt to gain concessions.

     After the question period conducted by the speakers, a decision to organize was made by the gathering.  The new slate of officers was brought in by the nominating committee of Leo Dunn, William Bell and Fred Moore.  The annual membership fee was set at $1.50.

     Immediate aims of the organization include a membership drive and a program aimed at gaining concessions for elderly people on low, fixed incomes.

     Guests at the meeting were observers from Oxford who are interested in forming a similar group in their area.

     It is interesting to note that this group worked untiringly to accomplish what they set out to do and on May 4, 1974 The Springhill Senior Citizens Recreation Centre was officially opened at their present day site on McDougall Street.

     Congratulations to the Senior Citizens on their 40th Anniversary and may you have 40 more.

August 9, 1932Young Girl Killed When Plane Crashes at Wallace

     Miss Marjorie Horton, 17 year old school girl of Springhill, was instantly killed when the plane in which she was a passenger struck the roof of the cottage owned by Dr. G.A. Sproule on Sunday while making a forced landing.  The young girl’s neck was broken by the impact.  Tom Carr, pilot of the plane, was badly injured about the head but is expected to recover.  The accident occurred at Wallace.

     Carr had taken Dr. Sproule, brother-in-law of the dead girl, down from Springhill in the afternoon and it was only after much persuasion by the accident victim that he acceded to her request that she be allowed to take his place in the plane for a short flight.  Finally he agreed and watched the plane lift into the air.  It flew around for a short time, rather low, and suddenly the engine went dead.  Unable on account of his low altitude to glide back to his landing field Carr attempted to reach a clear field but the wheels of the plane struck the roof the cottage, turning the machine over and it plunged to the ground, where it burst into flames.  Carr, thrown clear of the wreckage, ran to the plane, and in spite of the fire blazing furiously, dragged his passenger from the plane.  Finding her dead he ran for the beach and plunged in to put out the flames that were enveloping his body.  Mrs. G.A. Sproule, sister of the young girl, was badly burned also when she attempted to put out the flames that were still raging from her sister’s body,

     The tragic accident came as a great shock to the numberless friends that the young girl possesses.  She was very well known in Parrsboro also, and had spent only the last week at Riverside Beach, a guest at the Jewkes Cottage there.