The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

September 3rd, 2014

June 6, 1940Springhill RecordPalmer Case Now Closed

     Magistrate Hugh Lambert on Tuesday dismissed the case of Fred J. Palmer of Wentworth charged the previous week with “Reckless Driving” charging there was insufficient evidence against Palmer.  Facing two other charges laid by Chief Buchanan, Palmer paid two fines of ten dollars each for operating a car with defective breaks and for operating a vehicle without an operator’s license.  This closes the case against Palmer whose car accidentally caused the death of little Reginald Stonehouse on the Junction Road last month.

June 20, 1940LeRoy Welton Fatally Injured

     The community was shocked Tuesday morning when it became known that Roy Welton of North Attleboro, on a visit here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Welton, Herrett Road, had met almost instant death shortly before noon when he fell off the running board of a truck at East Hansford, 6 miles from Oxford.  He had been in the best of health and had come from the United States to visit with his parents and rest.  He was returning from a short visit to Northport when the accident occurred.  It is believed he suffered a week turn and fell off the truck as it was running.  Dr. Park of Oxford was called but the unfortunate man was apparently beyond aid and passed away as he was being rushed to SpringhillR.C.M.P. McWhirter investigated and having been brought to Brown’s Undertaking Parlor, the body was investigated by Dr. S.R. Bennett, Coroner, who stated that no inquest would be held. 

    George LeRoy Welton was born in Springhill 44 years ago and spent the earlier part of his life here.  He was well liked and was remembered particularly as a runner, participating in numerous provincial events.  He was enjoying a pleasant visit in his home town and many friends who had been renewing acquaintanceships were saddened at his tragic passing.

     Besides his parents he leaves one daughter Muriel, of Attleboro; one sister, Isabel. Mrs. Ralph Neilson, Woburn, Mass.; three brothers Gilbert and Carl of Springhill, and Albert of Newport.  His wife, formerly Miss Mabel Porter, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Porter of Springhill, predeceased him about two years ago. 

     Burial will take place in Attleboro, the remains being sent out yesterday.  Much sympathy is being felt for the sorrowing family.

June 27, 1940Graduates With Honors

     Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Legrow, Arnold and Mrs. Fred Legrow, attended the graduation in Amherst of Miss Eudora Legrow, who has taken her Grade Twelve.  She has successfully passed the school examinations and of now writing the provincials.  Eudora had the honor of being awarded two prizes: one for leading the school in typing; the other for most improvement during the year.

Cut By Broken Plate

Clairmont, June 25James McDonald, two and a half year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney McDonald, suffered a severe injury to his hand yesterday when he fell from a chair, breaking a plate which he was holding.  The cut, between the thumb and the hand, severed an artery.  Dr. Simpson, who was called, took the child to the All Saints Hospital, where after being attended, he was kept quiet for several hours before returning home.

July 11, 1940 A Timely Suggestion

     It has been suggested to The Record by Mr. R.W. Wright that driving on Main St. would be made safer if a white line were drawn right down the whole street, taking into consideration the space needed for parking on one side.  He felt such a guide would be invaluable to drivers who have to keep such a sharp eye on pedestrians as well as approaching cars.  There is merit in this suggestion and it should be given careful consideration. 

Cars Crash

     There was a minor car crash on Main St. this morning, when a car backing out from the curb crashed into a car coming down Main St.  The right fender of the latter car suffered slight damage but no one was injured.

July 18, 1940 Double Parking On Main St.

     New plans for parking cars are to be completed as soon as the Government marking machine reaches town.  It is now completing work between Springhill and Parrsboro.  The new plans, according to Chief Buchanan include double parking on Main St., in certain sections.  Starting a Lower Main St. single line parking on the south side will extend from Evans’s Wholesale to Newmans.  No parking will be allowed from that point to Wilson’s store where spaces will be made for four or five cars. From Wilsons store to the Selrite the south side will be kept clear but from this point to the Miner’s Hall single line parking will be continued.  This plan will not affect the parking spaces now laid out on the north side of Main St.  Even with this double parking the Chief tells us there will be from 20 to 22 feet of clear roadway, sufficient for cars to pass.