The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

September 3rd, 2012

Descendants of Early Settlers Meet

Aug. 22, 1935Fatal Accident is Averted

     What might have been a fatal accident occurred at Reynolds’s Lake, on Sunday afternoon, when Ralph Maddisonthe Singing Miner”, Grace Spence, aged 6, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Percy Spence and Margaret Brown, the six year old daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Jack Brown, was rescued from drowning.

     Mr. Maddison had been out swimming when the children called to him.  He came in and got the children and when wading out with a child on each arm stepped into a hole over 10 feet deep and was unable to regain his balance.  He called for assistance and Dawson McAloney and Clarence Kennedy went to his aid.  Little Margaret Brown was still clinging to Mr. Maddison’s neck and with great difficulty the boys brought him and the little girl to shore.  It was then discovered that Grace Spence was still in the water.  Doss McAloney started to find her and just noticed her going down.  Gorley Kempt, who was swimming near, felt something touch his leg and looking down saw her.  Grabbing the little girl by the hair, he passed her to Doss McAloney who took her to shore where first aid was given.

     None are any the worse for their alarming experience.

     A short time ago Mrs. Winters and her daughter Martha were rescued in a similar way.  The lake is known to be unsafe by reason of depth and springs.  Several lives have been claimed in the past.

Sept. 5, 1935 Main Street is Being Covered

     The Warren Bituminous Company have been busy since Saturday laying two inch asphalt covering on the Main Street.  The work is progressing slowly having been held up twice when the machinery broke down and again on account of rain.  With good weather the job should be completed in a couple of days.  Considerable difficulty was experience when workmen with picks attempted to lift a section laid by Councillor Davidson across Church Street.  The material used had taken a strong hold and Davidson was certainly pleased with his workmanship when he saw the boys struggling with it.

Descendants of Early Settlers Meet

     On Thursday of last week, a very pleasant day was spent at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Herrett, Rodney Road, the occasion being a family reunion, at which the guest of honor were Mrs. McNiven of Lubec, Maine and Mrs. Neary of Canning, on the homestead established nearly one hundred years ago (Ninety eight to be exact), by the late Joseph Herrett.  There was a large gathering of his descendants and members of their families, ten of the living fourteen grandchildren of Joseph Herrett being present – Mr. James Herrett, Mr. Wesley Herrett and Sisters Mrs. George Hopkins, Mrs. Colin McNevin, Mrs. Simon Fraser, Mrs. Neary, Miss Effie, Bond, Mr. Robert Bond, Mr. Morton Herrett and Mr. Horatio Johns.

     Dinner was served the company, the children being seated at a special table.  Everything possible was done by Mr. & Mrs. Herrett toward making the day a pleasant and memorable one.

     The occasion recalls a page of local history which may be of interest.  About 1825, the town site of Springhill was laid off in Government Land Grants, Joseph Herrett, a son of David Herrett, one of the original Loyalist settlers of Springhill, took up land and lived for a number of years on what is now the Bent property.  By an exchange he acquired land to the west, the long Herrett Board forming the western boundary, with some 2000 acres on south side of Saltsprings Brook.  He built a log house on the present home, rebuilding in course of time.  The present Herrett home was built by Mr. Herrett’s father, the late Wesley Herrett, Sr.  Joseph Herrett, the grandfather, played an important part in the early days, being the first Justice of the Peace in the district and also the first Postmaster.  

Oct. 23, 1935Teachers are Guest at “Redroof” Cottage

     The members of the local teaching staff enjoyed an outing Saturday at “Redroof” the cottage of Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Potter at Halfway River.  Some twenty-five took advantage of the invitation, among whom were Misses Belle Campbell, Bertha Campbell, Katherine Campbell, Mary Gilroy, Mary Hatherley, Evelyn Langille, Lois Potter, Grace Adams, Anna McKenzie, Jean Gilroy, Ivy Layton, Annie Murray, Alva Moss, Jessie Moss, Jean McDonald, Hannah Hayman, Rhoda Swan, Katherine McCormick, Viva Smith, Leona Welton, Ida Ross, Annie Jones, Theresa Hatherley, Renovia Reese and Emma Allbon.  Other guest was Mrs. E.S. Boran, Minerva Boran and Mr. Archie Potter.

     The party also enjoyed supper at the cottage, Mrs. Potter tempting them with delicious baked beans and the teachers supplying many other dainties.